Chapter 36: The fourth floor

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▪Someone caught me in the act.

Oscar (Butch): And where you think you are going miss? You are supposed to be with the other students right now.

I froze. I never thought of that scenario.

Y/n: Oh umm I was going to find a spot know..

Anastasia: Yeah! It's our... the girl thing and we need a place to...

I felt sweat running down my cheeks. Luckily Anastasia helped a little.

Oscar (Butch): Is that so? I am sorry that I have to do this then.

Anastasia froze. I started trembling. He reached out his hand to grab mine but out of nowhere another one grabbed his. It was Henry.

Y/n: H-huh? H-Henry?

Henry: Not now.

Seconds later the others came to our direction.

Victor: Girls! What were you thinking?!

Anastasia: We thought you didn't do anything according to plan!

Belch: Who said that? We were just buying some coffee.

Y/n: Holy shit! And now what? I thought you were hiding or something! I called you all three times and noone answered!

Patrick: Yeah sorry about that.

Anastasia: That mistake got us all in trouble!

Y/n: I don't think he's in the mood anymore for fun in the fourth floor.

Belch: What do you mean? Of course he is!

I pointed at his direction. They were arguing really bad. Luckily his dad left first. I sighed believing that it was my fault for all of this.

Anastasia: Y/n was right. I don't think he's in the mood for anything right now.

Patrick: Well he's angry as always but I think he'll forget it sooner or later.

Henry came to us with his arms crossed. We didn't speak. Seconds of silence passed when he came to my direction and picked me up.

Y/n: H-Henry! What the fuck?!

He didn't respond. The others followed us inside the museum. We got to the fourth floor safe and sound.

▪It was better than I expected. With a statue in the middle and different doors for different rooms.

Belch: Nice! I am going there!

Belch said trying to break the cold atmosphere around us. Victor followed him. Patrick and Anastasia got in a different room and I was alone with him again. We went to another room. I sat down in one of the couches. He was standing with his arms crossed. A cold:

Y/n: Are you okay?

Came out of my mouth. He responded.

Henry: Yeah. Why shouldn't I be?

With that I understood that he was hurt. I was curious to learn what they said to their argument but I was too scared and uncomfortable to ask something like that. I stood up and hugged him tightly from behind.

Y/n: Please don't be like that. I know it hurts but you need to fight it.

He turned around and hugged me back. I felt his arms shaking. He was about to cry but he was too strong to show it. I know that someday he will have his revenge somehow.

Henry: You are right. I don't have to be scared anymore.

I smiled hearing that and he smiled back.

Y/n: Glad to hear that baby.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He kissed back immediately.

He pinned me against the wall and broke the kiss. He really loved being in control. He started kissing my neck know my weak spots. I cried out.

Henry: God the things I wanna do to you.. You really get go wild..~

He whispered in my ear.

We made out for an hour when the others came in again.

Anastasia: I guess we ruined the moment again.

Belch: Oups!

Victor: Belch! You bastard! I thought I told you not to interrupt th-- Oh! They are making out again.

Patrick: Who is going to tell them that we need to go?

Victor: Not me.

Belch: Not me either. He's gonna kill me afterwards.

Anastasia: Me I suppose. Umm guys?! We need to go?!

Patrick: Rude! Check this out.

Patrick shouted.

Patrick: Lovebirds! Time to go!

I freaked out. We screamed as we heard Patrick shout at us. I fell in the ground out of fear. The others were laughing at me. Henry helped me get up and got to Patrick's direction.

Henry: You motherfucker! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Patrick: Well you didn't hear Anastasia the first time so I helped a little.

Henry: Okay I don't need your excuses. Just shut up for the rest of the day!

Belch: Ouch. That hurt. I guess he's still mad.

Victor: You can tell?

Belch: Yep!

Y/n: Maybe he wouldn't be mad if you didn't shout!

Anastasia: True!

Patrick: Okay fine! Sorry! I didn't mean it like that! Happy now?!

Henry: Maybe.

We got down the stairs and went inside the bus again. On our way back we were laughing and chatting about the whole day. It was a complete adventure like Belch said. When we got to the school I gave the notebook back to my uncle. We went with the boys and Anastasia for a short walk around. We drank orange juice and went back to our houses. The day was finally over.

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