Chapter 8: A difficult decision

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▪I stayed silent and waited for Henry to tell me what was going on with him.

Henry: You know it's really difficult to say that but I'll give it a try.

Y/n: Whatever it is just say it. You can say anything.

Henry: Yeah but this is different. If I tell you what I want, I don't know if we could keep this friendship and to tell the truth it'll hurt a lot.

Y/n: Wait wait. Who said this friendship is gonna end like that?

Henry: I don't know. It's what I think.

Y/n: Just say it already!


Y/n: Hmmm maybe you need else so you can split it out.

Henry: What do you-

Before he can finish his sentence I started tickling him.

Henry: H-hey! S-stop tickling me!

Y/n: Not until you split it out!

I giggled.

Henry: N-no s-stop!

I didn't listen to him and continued tickling him.

Henry: F-fine! I-I like you!

I stopped immediately and stayed silent.

Henry: There I-I s-said it. See! I told you it will be a problem.

Y/n: Who said I am mad or disappointed? It's just... I don't know... A lot to take in...

Henry: Maybe you can say that...

Y/n: Sorry I-I need to think about it.

I ran out of the library panicking.

▪I went out where I was yesterday for gymnastics. I needed fresh air.

Anastasia: Are you okay? You seem scared and happy at the same time! Did something happen?

Y/n: I am fine! I don't know I'm just thinking and I am happy and scared at the same time!

Anastasia: What happened girl?

Y/n: I'll tell you but--

Before I can tell her anything a notification appeared on my phone. It was from Victor.

Are you okay? We saw you running out of the library so I thought I should text you.

It's fine. I just need fresh air.

Look. You don't have to hide anything. I know exactly what happened. Just tell me how you feel.

I don't know what to feel! I mean I feel scared and happy at the same time! I need time to think.

Okay wanna meet tomorrow again?

No. The one I'll want to talk to will be Henry about my decision.

●Victor ●
Okay I respect that. Hope you are okay little one.

I am thanks.

Anastasia: So you'll tell me or I should forget about it?

Y/n: Yeah forget about it. I am okay.

Anastasia: Okay. Oh I forgot to tell you!

Y/n: What is it?

Anastasia: Lucifer is going to ask you out! Isn't that great?!

Y/n: Say whaaaaaat?! I don't want to go out with him!

Anastasia: Come on girl! He's handsome and kind. This is your opportunity to find a good boyfriend!

Y/n: No I refuse! I'll tell him face to face if I have to!

Anastasia: Why is that all of a sudden?! Every girl wants to be with him and yet he picked you!

Y/n: He's not my type!

Anastasia: Of course he is! He's a bad boy and a good friend with your cousin!

Y/n: My type is someone that loves me for me and not for my outside! Lucifer only like girls with curves. He never picks girls for their personalities!

Anastasia: That's not true! Just try! You have nothing to lose!

Y/n: Anastasia! I have something to lose! That is my time and self-confidence! And guess what?! I like someone else! Get over it!

Anastasia: What?! Who?!

Y/n: I can't tell you if you keep saying that Lucifer is better!

I left her behind pissed.

I texted Victor.

I need some help. Are you in the mood for punches?😡

What kind of question is that?😂 Of course I am! What happened?

Big story. I can't tell you right now. Tomorrow it's gonna be a very long day!🤕

Okay. We'll meet in the bathroom right away.

Okay. Tell Henry to stay calm and not get jealous. I think his girl is going to have a very very troublesome situation!😇

Ohhh! His girl huh? I was right! You guys are made for each other!❤

Yeah yeah. I'm happy to hear that.❤

You better prepare yourself for something else except for the trouble.😏

Okay. I'll take my concealer with me.😂

Good choice. And you better stay out of this. If we get into a fight stay out of it. Henry doesn't like his loved one being hurt.👍

Overprotective huh? If I have to do something I'll do it so don't blame me later.✌

Well then if you do that you'll maybe need another concealer for sure.😉

Oh boy!😂

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