Chapter 5: Let it all burn

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▪I left the bathroom when the lesson was over. Anastasia was still shocked so I asked her what was going on.

Y/n: What happened? Are you okay Anastasia?

Anastasia: Y-yeah I am just t-thinking.

Y/n: Are you sure? You seem like you saw a ghost!

Anastasia: I can't hold it anymore! When you left and got to the bathroom a member of the Bowers gang came up to me and asked me where you were. I was so scared! Y/n I think you are in danger!

Y/n: I am not trust me. Tell me who was it and I'll go talk to him.

Anastasia: It was the one that Richie said was the less bad. Please don't get in trouble!

Y/n: Don't worry about me. Just don't tell Alex about any of this.

Anastasia: I'll try my best.

▪I left the class behind and went to find Belch. I wasn't scared at all. I just wanted to talk. I found him outside my uncle's office.

Y/n: Excuse me. You must be Belch right?

Belch: Yeah that's me.

Y/n: I am Y/n nice to meet you. Do you have a moment? We need to talk about my best friend.

Belch: Sure I don't mind. What happened to your best friend?

Y/n: I think you know exactly what happened. She told me you asked her about me. Did you do something else?! I am asking because she was scared! Like she saw a ghost.

Belch: Look I don't mean to be rude but your best friend is imagining things. Yeah I asked her about you but I didn't touched her or anything.

Y/n: Are you sure? You better tell the truth because I can kick your ass out when it comes to my best friend!

Belch: Easy there girl! You can't do anything to me! And even if you can what are you going to do? Go cry to your cousin? Hahaha!

Y/n: Of course not. I am not that kind of person. I'll just Let it all burn.

Belch: W-what do you mean b-by t-that?

Y/n: You'll find out if you ever touch her!
Victor came out of nowhere without knowing what was going on.

Victor: Oh Y/n! There you are! I need to talk to you about something.

Y/n: I am arguing right now you know.

I said with an ironic voice.

Victor: Why are you arguing? Did something happen?

Belch: She threats me! She says that if ever touch her best friend-

Victor: Shut it Belch. I don't care anyway. Look I know you think Belch did something to your best friend but I saw the whole scene. He wasn't touching her.

Y/n: Then why she was so scared?

Belch: Maybe she wanted to cause trouble.

Y/n: I don't think she's that kind of person. I know her well.

Victor: Anyway Y/n. Do you have five minutes?

Y/n: Yeah what is it?

Belch: I am going to leave now. See you around hottie!

Y/n: Did he just.. call me hottie?!

Victor: Yeah.. Henry is gonna kill him.
Victor whispered.

Y/n: Did you say something?

Victor: No no. I was just talking to myself. Don't worry.

Y/n: Okay what did you want to talk about?

Victor: Oh um.. I just wanted to ask you if.. I don't know.. like to hang out sometime with us? I promise we won't do anything bad! I mean we can protect you if someone trys to hit you or anything!

Y/n: Hey relax. I don't mind. My cousin is the only problem I suppose.

Victor: Oh okay. Tomorrow we are going to go to the Library for two hours. It's fun to chase each other even though we throw books around.

Y/n: Haha I'd love to. Besides I never played inside a library!

Victor: Maybe you need someone like me or the others to feel free!

Y/n: That's for sure! I can lie to my cousin if I have to. So I can come.

Victor: I'll come to pick you up from your class then.

Y/n: Sure I have mathematics so I think I'll be close to the library.

Victor: Good to hear. I have to go now. See you tomorrow!

Y/n: See ya!

Victor left and went back with the others. As expected Henry was shouting at Belch because of what happened with my best friend.

Henry: Are you stupid? She was about to hit you?! A girl?! Are you a coward or something?! What if she hated you after that?!

Belch: It's not my fault! Her best friend hates us so she tried to make Y/n hate us too. I swear I never touched her!

Patrick: What an evil best friend she has. Who knows what will happen if she says the same things to Alex?!

Victor: You don't have to worry. I talked to her.

Henry: Really? Did she say something interesting? Will she come?

Victor: Hey relax lovebird. At first I thought that she was very angry with Belch. I asked her about the library thing and she agreed right away.

Patrick: Well that's good right?

Henry: Of course it is! Oh boy I need to be perfect for that kind to hang out!

Belch: Wow this is the first time I see you like that. Did she blow your mind already?

Victor: Shut up Belch. You don't want to let Henry know what you called her.

Belch: Shut it! Don't listen to him Henry! I didn't say anything.

Victor: Oh really? So you didn't call her "hottie"huh?

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