Chapter 15: Having a good time

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▪We found the square where is popular for skateboarding. Patrick and Belch went straight to the difficult levels. Anastasia, Victor, Henry and me went for roller skates. As promised Henry was going to teach me how to use them. I sat down on a bench to wear them.

Victor: Just stay calm. Everything is going to be fine.

Y/n: I am not scared at all. It's just that when I was younger I tried many times but I always got myself hurt.

I giggled.

Henry: Yes but I told you already. You are going to have the best teacher! And if you learn quickly we will go all together for a ride around town!

Anastasia: Nice fantasies! Haha!

Victor: I don't want to be rude or something but when Henry says something it happens whatever it takes.

Henry: Exactly!

Y/n: So you're seeing the future huh? Haha!

Henry: No! I don't mean it that way!

Y/n: Well if you can how long we'll have this relationship?

I giggled.

Victor: Ouch! That hurt a little I suppose.

Henry: I have the perfect answer to that. For eternity!

Anastasia: Romantic and cute at the same time!

Y/n: Stop ruining the moment! Haha!

Anastasia: Sorry not sorry!

Henry: Ready?

Y/n: I think so.

Henry wore his roller skates and came in front of me.

Henry: Grab my hand and stand up. In you feel scared close your eyes and imagine something positive.

Y/n: O-okay.

I took his hand and stood up. To my surprise I didn't fall. I tried to move forward and that's when I felt I was falling. Luckily Henry grabbed me.

Henry: You are so clumsy! Haha!

Y/n: Not funny!

I said with a fake angry expression on my face. Henry kissed me and ignored my expression.

Henry: Come on! You can do it! The others already left.

Y/n: I'll try but I don't promise anything.

I tried again and this time I did it for a little while. I fell again and again.

Y/n: Agh! I hate this!

Henry: Hmm for a girl like you you seem really negative! It needs time. Try closing your eyes and think that you're walking.

I did what he said holding his hand. Little that I know that I walked forward with my hand touching his. I opened my eyes surprisingly and saw him next to me with a smile at his face. Like Victor said before it's the first time in his life that he really smiles. And all because of me. I smiled back and finally I could go for walks with roller skates.

Henry: You seem to enjoy it! Haha!

Y/n: Of course I enjoy it! It's the best feeling like you don't have problems or a life! Just looking forward!

Henry's expression changed like I said something bad. It seems that he remembered a bad memory.

Y/n: A-are you okay? D-did I say something bad?

He came back to reality.

Henry: D-don't worry! I am fine!

Y/n: Are you sure?

Henry: Yes. It was just a bad memory. Nothing special.

Y/n: Okay. Let's go to the others.

We went back to the square where Patrick and Belch were.

Belch: Well how is it to be with the Bowers gang?

Y/n: One word: Amazing! Just amazing!
Patrick: Glad to hear!

Henry: Yeah she finally learned how to use roller skates!

Y/n: Oh don't be so mean!
I said with a fake sad expression.

Henry: Aww someone is angry babe? Don't worry I can make it up to you.

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Henry: You'll see. How about we go for video games?

Victor: Sounds great!

Anastasia: Yeah I didn't have the chance to go for video games in a long time.

Belch: Let's go then.

Belch and Patrick walked forward with their skateboards. Anastasia and Victor followed them. Before I can follow them I felt someone trying to carry me. Henry carried me bridal style. I felt embarrassed.

Henry: So now you are embarrassed huh?

Y/n: Stop teasing me like that!
I covered my face with my hands. I was bright red.

Henry: Hey move these hands out of your face. I want to see that embarrassment!

I moved my hands away.

Y/n: Happy now?

Henry kissed me.

Henry: As always when I am with you.

I blushed.

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