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"I told you! I told you!" Haejun walked with Kiandra into the school building the next day and he couldn't stop bouncing with excitement

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"I told you! I told you!" Haejun walked with Kiandra into the school building the next day and he couldn't stop bouncing with excitement.

Kiandra laughed, "Yes. You did. I'm still shocked by how casually he greeted you. I guess the next step is getting married." She spoke sarcastically.

"It might as well be." Haejun had a goofy smile on his face and he turned to open the lockers and pull out his textbook for the first class of the day.

"By the way, have you two always lived in the same neighborhood?"

"Yeah. But he lives further into the subdivision.. and I don't have a reason to be in his part of the neighborhood." Haejun sighed but brushed it off.

"Ah. Well.. you win some you lose some." Kiandra shrugged and Haejun nodded.

"But that doesn't matter. Now he'll actually acknowledge me! Which is like.. a huge upgrade compared to every other year."

Kiandra nodded and waited for Haejun to close his locker so they could keep walking to class. They almost got to the class when they noticed a group of people surrounding a wall.

"What the.." Kiandra started but Haejun was already intrigued.

"I wanna look, wait here!"

"Haejun-" She sighed as she watched the shorter male's retreating figure join the crowd of students.

A moment later the male returned and waved a piece of paper in her face excitedly.

"What are you up to right now?"

"I got to the front and as soon as I saw this I did some thinking."

"You can do that?" Kiandra teased playfully and Haejun pushed her lightly.

"Yes! But look at this." He handed the paper to her and she took a moment to read it.

"Haejun, what am I looking at here? This is a cheerleader application."

"Yes ma'am."

"Please do me a favor and connect the dots for me." Kiandra was drawing a blank.

"I'm gonna try out for the team! As a flyer!"

"Really..?" Kiandra asked skeptically and Haejun nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep! You already know I've been in gymnastics for like ten years now."

"I mean yeah.. but that's gymnastics.. cheer for the school is different. Plus you'd have to take trips with the cheer team for their competitions." Kiandra thought about it.

"That's fine." Haejun dismissed,"Because you know what another benefit is?"


"We get to travel with the football team to their games and we have practice at the same time as the football team!"

"Would this make you a stalker?" Kiandra asked as they finally made it to their classroom.

"No!" Haejun practically yelled and everyone in the room turned to look at the two of them in the doorway.

Haejun blushed slightly and quickly moved towards the back of the classroom. Kiandra followed and sat down next to him at her own desk.

"I wouldn't be a stalker.. it's just a lot of coincidences. Really.."

"So when are tryouts?" Kiandra asked.

"Today." Haejun spoke carelessly as the teacher entered the room.

"You're a crackhead."

"The team doesn't have time for preparation." Haejun insisted,"I just need to go there and learn the routine and then perform it."

"What about the uniform?" Kiandra asked in a whisper.

"I'd be wearing Leilani's. No biggie. We're like the same size anyways." Haejun dismissed and started taking notes.

"You'd wear the girls uniform?"

"You forget who you're talking to. I like the girls uniform. It's cuter. I like the skirt."

Kiandra rolled her eyes,"Ah yes. I did forget." She turned the page in her text book before continuing to whisper,"Well good luck at your tryouts."

"Thanks. I'm kind of nervous." Haejun smiled at her then looked back down at his notes.

"Haejun and Kiandra, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" The teacher standing at the front of the room asked and the two shook their heads quickly.

The moment the teacher turned away they both rolled their eyes before mumbling the same thing,"I hate that bitch."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Low-key I can't wait to go back to school because of the people, but then again I also don't want to because of the work.

Scarlet Wreck | Mature | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now