Part 3 DJ (Nino POV)

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Nino Lahiffe was having an awful day. He was tired, due to the akuma last night. Hydrolia was using sewer water to push away anyone who tried to get near. He managed to use protection to get through, but it took awhile and he didn't get to sleep much. Also, Alya planned a double date and he really didn't feel up to it. He loved Alya, but even though she was Rena Rouge, she never seemed to be tired when she got back from late night missions. He suspected that it had something to do with the "secret stash" of money that was specifically saved for starbucks. He had gotten yelled at in Mrs. Mendeleev's class for listening to music, and something else was up. Lila was one of the nicest girls he knew, but her outburst the week before was so unlike her. He was sure that if he asked, the answer would be "a rare tropical disease", but he wasn't satisfied with that answer. His grandmother was a nurse and he knew that that couldn't be it. He went home and fell onto his bed so hard that the entire bed shook. He slept in late, and when he woke up he realized he was late. He quickly got ready and went to the date. Alya looked gorgeous, wearing a knee-length dark green dress. She had a clay turtle-shell hair clip that she had made during art. Nino suddenly felt underdressed. He wore his nicest pair of jeans and a collared dark orange shirt. He smiled at the fact that they were hinting at each other's superhero. Alya walked over and linked her arm in his "Now, let's just wait for Princess Klutz and Prince Charming and we'll be all set!" After a while the "royal" duo appeared. Adrien was dressed similar to Nino, wearing black dress pants and a collared white shirt. Marinette looked stunning in a soft pink dress with long sleeves and black ballet flats. Her dark hair was held back by a black bow. The couple had only been dating for a week, but they were obviously very happy. The friends began their date. They got pizza and then stopped at Andre's Ice cream cart. Surprisingly, they found many couples there: Mylen and Ivan, Kim and Ondine, Kagami and Luka, (Marinette and Addrien gaped for a good three minutes) and most surprisingly of all, Nathaniel was dragging a fuming Chloe. Alya and Nino got blue raspberry and strawberry. Marinette and Adrien got blackberry and peppermint. Halfway through the ice cream there was a crash. Lightning struck the ground in front of Marinette. Stormy Weather was back "Couples, couples, couples. When will you learn that love is pointless? And YOU!" she screeched, pointing at Marinette. "You stole Adrien from me! And you. will. pay!" she cackled, swirling off in a tornado. Marinette and Adrien were gone in a flash. Alya giggled "Those two have a tendency to disappear, don't they?" She started to get out her phone to record this (ladyblog, of course) but they were interrupted by a sharp whistle. Ladybug was balanced on the lampost. Because of all the chaos, the bridge was deserted. Ladybug dropped down and handed them small black boxes with the red markings. A second later Carapace and Rena Rouge were racing across the rooftops with Ladybug. They paused, and Chat Noir joined them. Ladybug decided to split them up "Carapace and Chat, you go left. Rena, come with me." They ran off, leaving Carapace and Chat Noir alone. They went left, following the incredibly obvious scorch marks on the cement. They dropped into one of those big storage units where Stormy Weather was standing triumphantly. Before their own eyes, she dissolved into gold dust. Then the Turtle and the Cat looked up to see Volpina lock them in tight. They were in brief darkness before a small lightbulb lit up in the room. Volpina's voice crackled over the speakers "Just sit tight. This room is inescapable. I just have to wait for beetle girl and foxy to show up and save you, and I'll have not one, but four miraculouses!" she laughed and the intercom went off with a pop. Chat Noir tried the cataclysm, but it only made a dent. Carapace used protection to try to bust the lid open with no luck. He was wondering if he could pry the edge open with his shield when he heard a distinct beeping sound. He turned to see Chat Noir looking panicked. He looked at Carapace with wide eyes, "My ring's on the last bit of energy." Carapace looked down to find his bracelet in a similar state. Thankfully , there were no cameras in the room. Chat Noir took a deep breath "Promise you won't tell?" Carapace nodded "If you don't" Chat smiled and nodded "Claws in'' Carapace stared in absolute shock "ADRIEN?" The popular model grinned "Yep. Now you gotta spill for it to be even." Carapace shook his head in disbelief "Shell off." Adrien looked like he was about to pick his jaw off the ground "NINO!" Nino smiled at his best friend "Dude I, like, didn't even try to hide it that much." Adrien's smile dropped "Wait if you are Carapace, and Ladybug is..... Does that mean Rena Rouge is Alya?" Nino grinned in response "So, whose Ladybug? Care to spill?" Adrien shook his head "You know the way my father gave you that look, like don't worry, i'll kill you later? Well if I told you, I probably would be getting that from her. She can be intense when she wants to." Nino sighed, "So, how are we gonna get out?" Adrien shrugged "I got some food to recharge our Kwamis. We can just recharge our kwamis and then hope that the girls can break us out before the fight's over. I don't want to have to be sidelined for another akuma."

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