Part 21 Prisoner (Marinette POV)

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Adrien wasn't in school. This was enough to arouse suspicion. He hadn't texted or called anyone that he was going to be absent, and Marinette hadn't seen Chat when they switched at nightly patrol. Confused, Marinette went to her messages. There was one, but it didn't seem like Adrien. It read "Come to my house this afternoon. I have a surprise for you." That was it. Marinette suspected foul play, so she decided to do something she had wanted to do for a while. During lunch she transformed into Ladybug and went to the Paris jail. The prisoner was taken to an empty room. Ladybug sat at a desk, hoping this could get her somewhere. Gabriel Agreste sat across from her, looking less than pleased to have to talk with another superhero. Ladybug began "Y-you've no doubt heard that the butterfly m-miraculous has been stolen once again" she said, a bit of nervous stutter seeping through. Gabriel Agreste crossed his arms "I didn't give it to her" he stated flatly. Ladybug was somewhat surprised "O-oh. well, then how did she get it?" Mr. Agreste frowned at the memory "It was when you were leaving. The police were dragging me off when the box I keep it in slipped out of my pocket. The sneaky little thing snatched it up." Ladybug's eyebrows shot up "Do you know her identity?" Gabriel smiled. He was finally able to surprise the hero "I'm sure that Miss Rossi's intentions are clear to you by now." Ladybug stood and ran out of the room. Gabriel cleared his throat and Ladybug turned around. The former villain looked sheepish as he made a request "Tell Adrien I said hello." Ladybug nodded. She didn't have the heart to say she might not be able to. As she stepped outside she got a terrible feeling in the base of her stomach. She called Rena and Carapace "You might want to get ready. This is going to be big." The more she thought of it, though, the more she felt like she needed extra help. She transformed and walked to Adrien's house. The gate opened and she walked inside. Nathalie was sitting at the table and smiled when she saw Marinette. The intern had a fondness for Marinette "Hello, here to see Adrien?" Marinette decided to get to the point "Where is he?" Nathalie frowned "I thought he left for school this morning, why?" Marienette paled "Oh no...." Nathalie stood up. She had made a promise to both Gabriel and Emilie that she would protect Adrien if anything happened to them, and this didn't sound good "What is it Marinette? Tell me now." Marinette gulped "He didn't come to school today." Nathalie paled. Marinette decided to ask "Where's Hawk Moth's old lair?" Nathalie brought her up. The room was relatively unchanged, but there was broken glass on the floor. Stepping back, marinette saw that the glass was arranged in a mosaic pattern of butterfly. Marinette gasped. This was it. Adrien was the love of her life and she was not going to let some dumb butterfly freak take him. This. was. It. Marinettte was going to find Lila and give her a solid smack to the head with her yo yo. Marinette transformed into Ladybug and turned to Nathalie "Nathalie, can I trust you with something big?" Nathalie nodded uncertainly. Ladybug smiled "Nathalie Sancouer, this is the miraculous of the peacock. Will you use it for the greater good?" Nathalie sighed "Yes, ok, but I'm out of practice." Ladybug smiled "Don't worry about it." She swung out of the room to find one other person she wanted on her team. Alix was at the museum in the ancient egypt section, skating through the obelisks and mummy coffins. When she saw Ladybug, though, she stopped short. Ladybug looked around to make sure no one was watching "Do you have the watch?" Alix nodded enthusiastically. Ladybug smiled "Then let's get to it." Marinette was ready to march in and slap that girl for messing with her boyfriend, but there was one more thing. In the locker of her old mentor she found an old decoration of master Fu. His old samurai sword rested against the wall of the locker. It wasn't sharp enough to do serious damage, but it was a weapon nothenless. Ladybug swung out the window and met up with Bunnyx, Rena, and Carapace. Kagami and Luka were on a date, and after the dance incident Ladybug didn't want to bother them. The superheroes all pondered where their friend could be. Ladybug decided that stalling wasn't going to help "Guys.... I know who Darkfly is." The looks she got from her team were blank, suddenly filling with understanding. Rena's eyes widened "So, who is it?" Ladybug sighed "Lila Rossi" Bunnyx, Carapace, and Rena gasped. Suddenly, Carapace pulled out his shield "Get back!" Ladybug frantically searched the sky, looking for an akuma, or worse, Darkfly herself. Instead, she saw Mayura making her way towards them. Ladybug gently pushed down Carapace's shield "It's okay, she's with us." Everyone gave her a strange look, but Ladybug explained that she had given up her miraculous at the wedding. Still, the team was giving her some skeptical looks. Thankfully, Nathalie had gotten good at ignoring people. The team decided to brainstorm where Darkfly might be hiding. They were just about to go to Hawkmoths old lair when a text pinged on Ladybug's yoyo. Chat had sent her a message: Darkfly left for a second. I'm at this weird place by the palace ruins. Be careful, she's expecting you and there are traps. Love ya bugaboo!'' Ladybug rolled her eyes at the corny outro, but then breathed a sigh of relief. Her Chaton is fine! After reading the message out loud, Mayura said she knew where the place was. She led everyone to about half a mile away from the small cottage on the hill to have everyone plan. Ladybug wasn't going to attack until the last minute, because the amount of rage that girl had in her was hazardous. Rena Rouge looked back at Ladybug. She had known Marinette for almost four years now. Marinette (and Ladybug) were both pretty short girls, but she could be terrifying when she wanted to be. This was one of those moments. Sometimes she would start muttering to herself, take out her yoyo, swing it towards a tree branch, and snap it into tiny pieces. Mayura seemed distant, as though she could tell that very few on the team trusted her. Carapace was fired up "No one messes with my bro, Okay?" Finally Bunnix was bouncing on her heels. She was ecstatic. 

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