Part 19 Perfect (Adrien POV)

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His heart stopped. Marinette was wearing a simple white dress that went down to her knees and gold sandals that laced up mid-calf. Her hair was down, and without the heels on the flats she normally wore, she looked much shorter than she usually did. He bowed "Why hello, Princess" Marinette rolled her eyes. Chat led her to the field on the outskirts of Paris, the same one they were married in. Marinette was confused. Why had he brought her here, especially at night? When she stepped on the grass, though, it began to glow. Marinette removed her foot with a gasp, but then laughed. They were fireflies, millions of them, all flying up from the grass. It was magical, miraculous even. Marinette smiled at the sight of the glowing meadow and finally remembered to breath. She and Adrien danced, laughed, and just walked around, hand in hand, relishing the sheer happiness of being together. Around nine Chat Noir walked Marinette home. She stood on the balcony and gave him a kiss, then he vaulted off. When he got home Nathalie gave him a single "where were you young man?" look before sighing and waving him off to bed. As he climbed onto his bed, Adrien noticed a faint noise above his head. His heart began to pound. Right above his room was his father's old lair, untouched from the last battle. Adrien put on some shoes and traveled upstairs, being quiet so Nathalie wouldn't wake up. As he descended in the elevator, he couldn't help scolding himself for going into that room, all alone, at night. This was the mistake of, like, every horror movie character ever. When he got to the top of the elevator he walked into the top room. He had to give it to Gabriel; that man was a designer. The room had this eerie quality that made the whole room glow with a lavender light. In the center of the room, the floor was covered in shards of glass from where Rena Rouge and Carapace had broken through the window at the last battle they had fought. Adrien was looking around at the destruction, but then looked to the center of the room. There was a person sitting in the middle of the room, with a long black hooded cloak pulled over their head. Adrien walked forward tentatively, although his head was screaming "NOPE!" he cleared his throat. The person turned and stood. Adrien instinctively took a step back. He didn't have time to transform and even if he did, who was this person and why were they in his house. The person pulled the hood off their head. It was a girl, but not just any girl. A long brown ponytail, gray leggings, and a dark purple business jacket. It was Darkfly. "What do you want?" he spoke softly, like he didn't want to scare her away. Truth be told, he was about to sprint away himself. Darkfly smiled "Well, well. If it isn't Adrien Agreste. This isn't about me, this is about you!" Adrien raised his eyebrows quizzically "What?" Darkfly smiled flirtily "You are Hawkmoths son, right?" Adrien nodded "Yes, so?" Darkfly smiled some more "I want you to join me. I know you must be at least a little bit angry at Ladybug's attack on your father. Join me, and we can avenge your father and mother!" Adrien could feel the manipulation in the air. He stepped back some more, much to the annoyment of Darkfly "No, sorry, my schedule is full." Darkfly looked perturbed "Don't worry, you'll change your mind eventually" She raised her cane. Adrien saw the attack coming too late. Darkfly swung her cane in his direction and his world went black. When he woke he was laying on the floor of his room. He stood, but when he put his hand on his desk, he found that the box that once contained a necklace he was going to give to Marinette was gone. And speaking of Marinette, he needed something happy in his life. He dug around in one of his drawers and found a box that held the second ring he had purchased when he got Ladybug's. He had a plan, and he couldn't wait to see his flustered girlfriend when he carried it out.

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