chapter 24 : opportunity

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My ears were ringing as I tried to sit up as I looked around I saw I was in mine and yoongi's room, I was really confused so I got up slowly and made my way into the bathroom and I had a shower after I was finished I got out and put on some jogging bottoms and a vest then I grabbed my phone seeing I had a miss call from yoongi's mum so I called her back which meant I ended up getting yelled at as she answered she yelled "YAH YEONJI IM COMING OVER, YOONGI TOLD ME YOU FAINTED!" I spoke "yeah but I'm fine eomma," she sigh then spoke in a soft voice "choi yeonji I'm coming no questions about it, I'll be there in 10 minutes," I smiled as she hung up the phone and I went downstairs then sat on the couch, i texted Yoongi *you mum is coming over in a couple minutes* he replied *yeah I called her also you scared me to death yeonji* I was about to reply when the doorbell went so I dropped my phone and got the door letting yoongi's mum in the house and she straight away hit me shoulder and lectured me about proper sleep and a healthy diet so then I spoke with my head down "im sorry eomma," I heard her chuckle then she hugged me tight then spoke "let's go get something to eat," I nodded slowly as we went into the kitchen I placed on an apron and placed my hair up and got out some ingredients then I spoke "I'll cook eomma what about kimchi fried rice and chicken?" she nodded making me smile then I looked at the clock and saw the boys would be back soon so I cooked a lot extra, as I was frying the chicken the boys all came back home so yoongi's mother went out to greet them while I continued to cook, as everything was finishing up I quickly brought everything through to the table and set up the bowls and chopsticks then I went into the living room "foods on the table," everyone was staring at me so I spoke "what not hungry?" I sighed going back into the kitchen and taking off my apron and let my hair down as I turned around I saw Yoongi holding his arms out so I hugged him with a smile "I'm sorry if I scared you," he chuckled moving some of my hair out of my face then he kissed me with a smile as he pulled away I could see his eyes sparkle then I spoke "we should probably eat the food will get cold," he chuckled holding my hand as we joined the others in the dining room. As we sat down and ate with the others, we were laughing and speaking and everyone was having a good time when I started feeling sick so I quickly excused myself and went to the bathroom as I got in I quickly turned on the water a washed my face but then I had the urge to be sick as I did I quickly held my hair back, i sat back then felt a hot flush go through my whole body so I sat on the floor breathing heavily but I stopped when I heard a knock on the door as I got up to open it I saw hobi smiling brightly then i spoke "you okay yeonji?" I smiled back "yeah im ok..." just as I finished I had to be sick again so I dashed to the toilet as I kneeled down I felt someone hold my hair while rubbing my back as I looked up I saw hobi smiling "how about I take you to bed?" I nodded slowly as hobi carried me bridal style upstairs and gently placed me on the bed and then spoke "how about you get changed then sleep for a bit and I'll tell the boys about your condition," I nodded slowly and slipped under the covers then as hobi, I got up picking out some shorts and a top before jumping into a bath, as I lied down in the bath I felt refreshed so I decided to do my facial routine as well as moisturize my whole body as I got out of the bath I tied my hair up in a bun then I dried of and got changed once I was finished in the bathroom I went and lied in bed as my head started pounding. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to darkness as I looked around I saw it was 2 am so I got my bag and my phone and changed into some jeans as I tiptoed out the room I went downstairs as I got downstairs I wrote a note to the boys telling them where I'm going once I was finished I got my shoes on and left as I was walking it was really peaceful and in minutes I was at BigHit so I quickly got in a spoke to the doorman "your still here Steven?" he chuckled "yeah I'm on a 12 hour shift," I chuckled "here have this," I handed him the beanie I had on my head and he smiled "so kind yeonji but I can't keep it," I smiled putting it on his head then spoke "keep it, it's cold outside," he smiled and I went in and sat in the studio working on the songs for the new album as I got to one of the last songs I looked up to see it was 10am and the boys weren't here yet so I sighed but still carried but then I remembered my song I produced the other day and that it needed some fine tuning so I opened the file and got to adding in different affects and stuff as I got to my final product I smiled but as I stood up, I felt sick again so I saved the file and ran to the bathroom as I got to the bathroom I was sick in the toilet then went out and washed my face but then I thought to myself *what is wrong with me?* as I dried my face and hands I went out the bathroom and ran into Bang PD-nim and he spoke "you okay yeonji? You look a bit unwell," I smiled "yeah im good also im sorry for worrying you the other day," he chuckled walking with me to the studio then he spoke "can you show me the songs you have finished for the boys new album?" I smiled handing him a pair of headphones but then spoke "I had to add my vocals to a couple of the song but other than that I think I have finished a lot of them," he nodded as he went through the seven tracks after listening to them he smiled brightly "just like the boys said your vocals fit in perfectly," I smiled and shook his hand then spoke "about the song I wrote would it be okay if I did a couple more to add to the song?" he smiled "sure maybe I'll make you an idol?" I looked at him shocked "I couldn't do that ...I mean I would love to but Yoongi might get sad," he sighed then spoke in a serious voice "talk to Yoongi about it then get back to me, I've already made you up a contract just in case also you can still produce with the boys, it just means a lot more work for you," I smiled as I saved all the work and grabbed my stuff walking with Bang PD-nim to the front desk then he spoke "talk soon yeonji," I bowed signing out then I walked home.

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