chapter 34 : J-hope's chapter

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*J-HOPE POV* we were all stay together watching yeonji's music video and singing along when out of the corner of my eye I see her drift off to sleep so I shush the boys and go to pick her up when Jin whispers “feel her forehead!” I quickly placed my hand on her forehead and gulp at the temperature radiating off of her forehead as I pull my hand back I quickly scoop her up and nod to Jin as he goes to get medicine and other things needed as I went up the stairs, yeonji started to shift in my arms nearly making me fall over but instead I saw her asleep smiling to herself I smiled and thought *she looks so pretty when she sleeps* I shook the thought out my head and then slowly lied her on the bed and stripped off the large hoodie that fully engulfed her body as I did I saw her whine a little so I grabbed a thin blanket and placed it over her frame with a smile then Jin came rushing in with medication and a cold towel to put on her forehead. As I placed the towel on her head she seemed to sigh with relief, the rest of the night were shifts of looking after yeonji till morning as the clock struck 6am my shift began so I got up and walked to yeonji's room and went in but saw her and Yoongi sleeping together and decided to leave it until work. As everyone was getting ready for the day I spoke to Yoongi “why not let me take care of yeonji today?” he nodded slowly not making eye contact I smiled and we all sat and ate but half way through Yoongi slammed his hands on the table and stormed out the house we all just sat there confused so I sighed getting some food and water and taking them up to yeonji, as I stepped in the room she was sound asleep so I placed everything on the bed side table and woke her up gentle as she sat up I could see that she wasn’t her self so I got her to take the medication then i let her sleep again. I sat on the floor when I heard the door close, which meant it was just me and yeonji I sighed looking down at my phone then giggled seeing Thier room up-close as well as yeonji’s BTS collection it made me smile then I saw a notification on yeonji’s phone that read *happy birthday to myself ♥️* I gasp then looked to yeonji who was frowning as tears came down her face, I wonder what she was dreaming about? I looked up to see it was 3pm so I looked to yeonji and smiled quickly running down to the kitchen and making her some soup and getting her a sports drink, as i got back upstairs I saw yeonji leaning up in be yawning but looking very sad so I spoke “good morning beautiful,” she chuckled lightly and I gave her the  food with and smile then spoke while sitting next to her “what should we do to celebrate your birthday?” I saw her look at me then look down with tears in her eyes “i don’t celebrate my birthday Hobi, I normally travel to Daegu to visit my parents but I guess I can’t this year...” I smiled then kissed yeonji’s forehead and texted Yoongi as I got out the room with a smile I spoke to myself “I’m going to make this the best birthday ever!”

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