chapter 27 : back to work

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once everything was paid for I got on yoongi's jacket and we all walked out the restaurant trying to avoid the cameras as much as possible then we got into the van as we did I sighed deeply and sat back into my seat then looked over to Yoongi smiling "thank you," I heard him chuckle as I went and sat on his lap as we got home I ran inside taking off my shoes, then I went upstairs to get changed and take off my make-up. As I was in the bathroom I heard Yoongi come into the room so I spoke "Yoongi im going to the studio want to come?" as he came into bathroom, he looked tired so I chuckled grabbing his jacket pulling him closer to me and spoke "you look sexy in this suit," I saw him blush a little so I kiss Yoongi then go into the bedroom and get changed into joggers and a cropped hoodie then turned to Yoongi "I'm going to the studio, so I'll see you soon," I grabbed my phone and song book then went downstairs. I see the boys all downstairs on the couches so I spoke "I'm going to the studio if anyone wants to come?" the boys all groaned then Jin spoke "do you ever have a day off?" I smiled rubbing the back of my neck "it can't hurt you know, I'm going to be dancing as well," as soon as jimin heard the word dance he shot upstairs making me smile "guess jimin is coming hehe," as he came back downstairs we got into the car and I drove us to BigHit as I was driving I spoke "I need to pick some songs then I need to get choreo for my first song," jimin nodded then spoke "I can help, can I sing on one of your songs?" I chuckled "sure but I was going to ask you guys to be on one of them at least anyway," as we got to BigHit I saw Steven so I spoke "yo Steven how are you tonight?" he smiled giving me a hug "good yeonji but you need to rest, you have been here nearly every night this week," I smiled and said goodbye as me and jimin made our way to the dance studio we both spoke in sync "Vlive?" which made us both laugh as we sat in the room we played blood, sweat and tears in the background as jimin set up the Vlive once he started it I whispered "am I allowed to be on the live?" he just smiled tugging me into frame then spoke "this is CJ the new solo artist coming with us on tour?" I smiled waving then spoke "should we dance?" he smiled and we stood in position as the music played we danced to idol as we finished I high fived jimin and we sat down to talk to the fans when a question came up for me so I answered it "well I was a big BTS fan and got a job as their producer but then I got an offer to become an idol and now I'm here," jimin smiled "she is so good at singing army," I smiled but stopped as my phone went off as I looked I saw it was Yoongi so I answered walking out of shot from the camera as I answered he spoke a little grumpy "come back home, I can see you on Vlive with jimin," I chuckled then spoke "I'll be back after I sort the choreo for my new song," he sighed then hung up as I went back I whispered to jimin that I was going to start the new choreo so he and I said goodbye to their fans and then we ended it, as I played the song I started to get a feel of the rhythm.

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