chapter 29 : self doubt and insecurity

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i just lied there for a minute as Yoongi played with my hair when I stopped crying I flopped to the others side of the bed and spoke "I need your help," I saw him shift so I faced him "I can't edit the song about my parents without crying, how am I going to perform it?" he hummed pulling me closer to him then he spoke "what if when you perform it we sing it as a duet?" I chuckled "okay baby," he smiled and kissed my forehead "I brought a keyboard for the dorms today if you want to dance and I'll play for you?" I nodded slowly and we both went downstairs I saw the couches had been moved and the keyboard was ready for Yoongi then as we got closer I saw the boys all sat on the couch making me laugh so I gave Yoongi the song book as he practised play *heart forecast* after I had finished stretching I got into position and nodded to Yoongi and as he played I started dance showing the boys the dance I had learn with jimin a couple hours earlier but as the music stopped I breathed heavily, the feeling that made me happy then I asked jimin to join me and pulled him off the couch as we did I got Yoongi to play from the beginning and I sang as I danced with jimin I started laughing then we posed and the boys all clapped and I sat down for a minute and spoke "think you boys could learn it for the end of the week?" they all smiled but Hobi spoke up "why what's happening?" I chuckled "you are all going to be in my music video," they all looked me shocked so I winked "better believe it also I need to go to get my hair coloured tomorrow," they all looked at me then Jin spoke or rather yelled "PINK!" I chuckled then looked at him confused "pink is the colour of love isn't that the whole concept?" I looked away and down to the floor for a minute then it hit me, has it all been about love? As I was In my head I started to think about things then it hit me "I need to leave," I grabbed my bag and shoes going outside not listening to the boys who were calling my name and I ran to the company, as I got in I went to the studio and sat looking through my song book to find a connection then it hit me and I yelled "MIN YOONGI!" I sat there for a minute and as I looked closer it all revolved around me, Yoongi and our relationship, I sat there but sighed then I decided and got my pitch together as I did I put all the song together that I wanted to create and there I sat for the rest of the night recording and editing song by song until I got to the song that was meant to be a duet of me and Yoongi as well as the track featuring the rest of the boys, it stared at me grinning so I sat back and looked through every song then I looked at the clock on the computer and gasp "wahh its 9 am," as I sat up I saved all the song then I yawned and stretched before getting to my feet and going to a local hair salon to get my hair done as I sat down she smiled so I told her everything I wanted and after a couple hours of bleaching and dying I was finished I had half pink and half black hair, I smiled and paid the hair dresser before going back to BigHit only to see the boys van pulling up so I had to hide my face from the camera's as I went in the building then got all my things from the studio including track demos then knocked on PD-nim's office as he let me in I heard him gasp "you look beautiful with that hair!" I chuckled then spoke "I have most of the stuff down I just need to run it past you," he nodded and let me in but then spoke "do you want me to go get the boy's," I shook my head and smirked in his direction "I have a plan to surprise them on the shoot tomorrow," as I go through my plan for the music videos, track list's as well as the designs for the wardrobe I spoke "I'm going to be working on everything all day dancing and singing so im going to hide my hair," Bang PD-nim chuckled "I look forward to it yeonji," I smiled placing the wig on my head and going out the office but as I saw the boys, I ran away into the studio and placed on one of yoongi's jackets before pulling up the song I wanted the boys to sing as I pulled it up the boys came in the studio so I spoke "I need you guys to sing the chorus for me in this song?" as I looked around I saw them all in the door way looking at bit worried so I just smiled then turned back to the computer editing then Yoongi spoke "are you okay yeonji?" I smiled "of course I am I just need to get my work done, also I finished the song you wanted me to edit for your album last night," I feel someone hug me from behind and as I look up I see Yoongi but none of the boys then he speaks "please tell me what's going on," I sighed "nothing Yoongi I just need to get this finished then I'll be fi..." I paused when I started hearing sniffing so I quickly turned around to see Yoongi crying so I quickly hugged him tight and spoke with a stutter "It's j...just everything that's happened to me and the inspiration I get it's a...all from you I'm s...scared," as I looked up I saw Yoongi's face soften so I continued "what if we have to separate? What if we have to break up? I don't think I could do it a...again," I started to feel myself panic as the words left my mouth then I started to hyperventilate "I...I can't do it again y...Yoongi," he sighed kissing my lips as he did I melted into his arms then he cupped my cheeks and smiled "that will never happen choi yeonji, I won't let it!" I cried and held onto his hand but after a while I felt myself being picked up and as I looked up I saw a crying jungkook cradling me like a baby.

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