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"Kim Namjoon, could you please escort Taehyung to the kitchen?"

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"Kim Namjoon, could you please escort Taehyung to the kitchen?"

Namjoon nodded his head towards the King, turning his direction back to the younger male. The butler smiled before having Taehyung follow him to the kitchen. The younger was halfway awake and halfway asleep because for him seven AM was way too early.

"How do you like the castle so far?" The older questioned Taehyung who was trying his hardest to keep his eyes open. "It's so magical."

Namjoon chuckled once he heard the black haired mumble like he was talking in his sleep. The two finally made It to the kitchen where the butler dropped Taehyung off at, heading back to probably annoy the Prince again.

Taehyung pondered where he was standing while glaring at the three males who were in the kitchen putting on their aprons. 

"Why is Jimin always lat-" Yoongi stopped mid sentence once his eyes landed on the black haired male who was awkwardly standing in the entrance. 

"You must be Kim Taehyung! It's a pleasure." Jin stated to make the atmosphere less strange, reaching his hand out to shake the youngers hand. "My name's Kim Seokjin, I go by Jin though."

Taehyung smiled and shook the chef's hand back. "Nice to meet you."

"This is Yoongi and Hoseok, if you don't like them don't worry. I don't like them either." 

The two said males threw Jin an annoyed glare causing both the chef and Taehyung to chuckle. "There's also Jimin, but he's late again per usual. Throw this on before he gets here." Yoongi stated as he tossed the younger an apron, Hoseok following close behind him every step he took which wasn't unusual.

Taehyung obliged as he wrapped the apron around his small torso, heading over to the stove to prepare breakfast for the Royals which was scheduled to be served at eight AM. "How should I help?"

"You can make the Prince's breakfast." Jin stainlessly told as he began preparing the King and Queens plate. Hoseok and Yoongi only sat on the top of the counter unbothered because they had nothing to do at the moment.

"What does he like?" Taehyung questioned since he had no clue on where to start. 

"Prince Jungkook doesn't like any of the food we make him."

The three heads turned to face Jimin who had just exclaimed and entered the kitchen. "Ah Jimin, you're just in time to get Hoseok and Yoongi off their asses."

The said male ignored Jin as he began putting his apron on. "Ha ha funny joke Mr. Ratatouille."

Taehyung only awkwardly stared at Jimin and Jin who were having a full blown argument which was again, not unusual for the two who were still sitting on the countertop. Once Jimin finally gave up and walked away, the chef turned his attention back to the younger who was helplessly standing by the stove.

"What am I supposed to make him then?" 

"No clue. Just surprise him, he most likely won't like it anyways." Jin murmured the last part with a bitter tone in his voice as he began scrambling eggs. Taehyung pouted while beginning to scan the fridge for ingredients. "He sounds boring."

"I sound what?"

The workers eyes widened once their heads snapped up to face the one and only Jeon Jungkook who was standing by the entrance with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Taehyung gulped once he saw the prince death glaring him, eyeing his small frame from top to bottom again.

"He said you sound boring you illiterate horse." Jimin groaned. Jungkook and Jimin both never took a liking for each other and the older of the two was the only one who ever dared to backtalk the prince, simply because he could. "I-I'm sorry your majesty.." Taehyung mumbled, intimidated by the way Jungkook was eyeing him.

The prince decided not to argue and only rolled his eyes before speaking again. "The King told me to make sure you all were here on time, although I don't really care."

"Yeah we know, now begone thot. And stop eye fucking Taehyung please." Jimin smirked to himself as he watched the two males grow red, Taehyung especially who was staring down at the pan he was very slowly moving against the stove out of nervousness.

"I was not- whatever." The prince mumbled while leaving the room, his face red because of both anger and embarrassment. "Do you and Jungkook have to argue every time you see each other?" Yoongi questioned once the said male left.

"Yes and what about it." Jimin stated while flicking his non existent long hair. Taehyung had only met the said male a couple minutes ago but he already thought Jimin was cool. None the less, the Sous Chef began continuing to create his plate, hoping the prince would end up liking it even though he knew he wouldn't.


The King and Queen both sat at the table with an empty chair across from them which was for their son who was always 'fashionably late' so he called it. His interpretation of fashionably late was 'I don't want to come out of my room.'

"Thank you Jimin." The Queen smiled once the said male placed her plate in front of her, doing the same for the King and eventually the princes even though he thought about skipping him. "Of course your majesty."

Minutes later Jungkook was finally out of his room and heading towards his chair, placing his hands into his pockets while sitting down and glaring at the food in front of him. "Well look who made an appearance." His father stated while taking a bite of his scrambled eggs.

"Are you going to eat?" The Queen questioned as both of them waited for their son to pick up his fork.

"You know I hate breakfast."

"Well you must hate lunch and dinner as well because you never eat anything the Chef makes, all you do is eat chips and drink soda."

"Is there something wrong with that?" The prince raised his eyebrow, taking another look at the food in front of him which for some reason looked more appetizing than usual. His parents both sighed in unison. "Just try it please, you might like it today."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, taking his hands out of his pockets and picking up the fork. "I won't." The male stated, cutting a piece of the three layered pancake that was covered in strawberries, syrup, butter, and whipped cream. There also looked to be melted chocolate inside of the pancake.

The prince placed the food into his mouth, expecting it to taste revolting as always but to his surprise.. it was actually very delicious. Jungkook began cutting more pieces of the pancake and plopping them into his mouth causing his parents to smile.

"I told you you'd like it." His mother told with a grin. Her son ignored her because he was too fascinated that the food actually tasted good for once. "Jin must've upped his game." The King told with a chuckle.

The prince was also confused. Jin had never made anything he has liked ever since he was hired a few years ago, so why today? And then it hit Jungkook that today was Taehyung's first day of working as a Sous Chef.

Jungkook gulped down the last of his orange juice, wiping his lips with the napkin before heading up to proceed back to his room. Now he was quite excited for what lunch and dinner would hold.

today I went surfing and I accidentally began drifting over to the pier and I didn't even realize it, but lucky for me hot lifeguard boy noticed and saved me 😍 

"kids, this is how I met your father"

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