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"Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled at the Prince's locked door

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"Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled at the Prince's locked door. "Can you come out of your room already? You're late to the meet and greet!" 

Realizing the younger wasn't opening his door up anytime soon, Namjoon reached his hand into his pocket and grabbed out a certain key which was specifically for Jungkook's room. Quickly opening the door, the butler stepped inside and widened his eyes at the scene.

"No grandma, I don't have anymore friends. I thought I had one but he probably hates me like everyone does."

The Prince was sat in front of both his Grandparents urns, wine bottles scattered almost everywhere throughout his room. Namjoon let out a big sigh as he went to go get the drunk Jungkook off the ground. "Jesus Jungkook why are you drinking again?"

"Go away, I'm having a conversation with my Grandparents." The younger sternly stated, eyeing Namjoon with a death glare.

It was never a good thing when Jungkook drank since he was so lightweight, and whenever he got drunk he would either end up acting like a child or was over emotional. And it was especially not good on a day like this.

"You have a meet and greet today, fuck." The butler groaned the last word out of frustration. The King would definitely not be happy when seeing his son. "Get up and wash your mouth out." Namjoon grabbed Jungkook by his forearm and pulled him up off the ground.

The Prince lazily limped over to the bathroom with a pouted look on his face, meanwhile Namjoon was cleaning up all of the wine bottles on the floor of the room.

"Hey Joon, my stomach feels a little-" 

The butler whipped his head around to the sight of Jungkook hunched over the toilet making gagging sounds, almost making him want to throw up himself. The older of the two quickly rushed over to the Prince to help him back up. At least it's out of his system  he thought to himself.

"There you are, you're late."

Jungkook was too dazed to even hear his fathers complaints and only followed his butler who was dragging him outside to where the meet and greet was, his father following behind who was having a mental breakdown.

"Sit." Namjoon instructed like he was talking to a dog, pointing to the extra throne placed outside for the Prince's meet and greet. The younger was still feeling a bit hazy, but was more regained with himself now.

The King and Queen didn't tell anyone, but their main purpose for the meet and greet was to find someone that Jungkook could take interest in. They both did not know about Lucas and has always thought their son's never been in love.

The gates to the front yard of the castle opened once the Queen instructed one of the guards to do so, a line of men and woman forming right away. The scenery was neatly set up, tables and chairs spaced out in areas along with a table set with food.

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