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Taehyung sunk his head low as he placed the rest of Jungkook's meal onto his plate

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Taehyung sunk his head low as he placed the rest of Jungkook's meal onto his plate. The said male hasn't spoken a word to anyone, even when they tried to talk to him. He was only thinking about the Prince and how he disappointed him.

He carefully placed a napkin onto the plate before walking over to Jimin to serve it, still not looking anyone in the eye especially the server who was smirking at the latter.

"Sorry to disappoint you Tae but Jungkook's not here." Jimin grinned as he motioned Taehyung to set the meal down.

"W-where did he go?" 

"Eh probably to down some beers and peg people." The older laughed as he picked up Jin's plates from the table. 

Taehyung knew that Jimin was just trying to make him mad and jealous which only made him even more annoyed than he already was. "Don't say t-that." The Sous Chef quivered his lips as he slowly set down the plate back onto the counter, it now being good for nothing.

The male walked out of the Kitchen with a frown on his face, having no clue what to do now. Usually on his break he would hang out with Jungkook in the gym or in the game room. Now the only real friend he could go to at the moment was Pete.

Taehyung opened the doors to his room and nonchalantly walked over to his bed, a small smile forming on his lips once he saw the dove standing on the window sill. He lifted open the window so the bird could fly in, landing on the bed which Taehyung later sat on.

"Jungkook is really mad at me.." The black haired male said. 

He enjoyed talking to the dove so much because it was as if he was talking to his parents again, even if it was just a dove. Either that or maybe because it was the only thing that he felt like was actually listening to him.

"I really wish I knew what I was doing so wrong, because karma is really getting back a-at me." He sadly chuckled while looking at the dove.

"I r-really liked when he kissed me, is that what's wrong?" The male paused as if he was waiting for the bird to give him an answer. "I said I was s-sorry.. I don't want Kook to get in trouble but I don't want Jimin to do bad things to me, I d-don't know w-what to do Pete.." 

Taehyung began letting his eyes water up again as he stuffed his head into his knees that he was holding against his chest. He really did not know what to do, he just wanted his parents and Jungkook back. Was that too much to ask for?

The Sous Chef quickly shot his head up and wiped away his tears once he heard a knock at the door, eventually seeing Namjoon who was standing by the door with a panicked look on his face. 

"Taehyung have you seen Jungkook?" The older frantically asked.

I wish.. the said male thought to himself. "N-no, why?"

The latter's eyes widened as he watched Namjoon hold up a whole bag filled with empty wine bottles. 

"I found all these in his room. No one knows where he is and that can't be a good thing after he's drank this much."

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