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"Prince Jungkook steals the ball from Taehyung, rushing to the half court line as he prepares to shoot

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"Prince Jungkook steals the ball from Taehyung, rushing to the half court line as he prepares to shoot." Jungkook narrated in third person as he kept dodging the older with the basketball who was laughing at how the younger was narrating himself.

"Jungkook takes a look at the basket." He said as he looked at the basket. "And shoots!" He said again as he threw the ball in to the basket, cheering once he saw he made it and smiling when he heard Taehyung's giggles.

"Hole in one!"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the youngers remark. "This isn't golf Kook." 

"I meant home run." Jungkook stated confidently as he went to go retrieve the ball, making the said elder laugh even more. 

The latter decided to ignore the Prince's statement which he was so confident on. 

"I'm tired." Taehyung commented, giving the younger a small pout who gushed at the sight. Jungkook made him way over to the said male with a slight smirk on his face. "Did yesterday drain all of your energy?"

The memory of the day before instantly brought a shade of red back to Taehyung's cheeks, even though they didn't 'go all the way' the thought still gave him butterflies. Seeing that the older wasn't going to respond out of sudden nervousness, Jungkook softly smiled. He dropped the basketball and took Taehyung's hands in his.

"I know we didn't, but in the future.. would you want to go all the way with me? It's okay if you don't, but I just want to know incase I try something you don't like."

The latter copied the Prince and softly smiled back, his ears becoming red at the suggestion before nodding.

"Eventually." He agreed with a smile. He actually felt quite bad for stopping Jungkook the other day, thinking it was quite selfish of him because the younger could've wanted the exact opposite. Although it didn't really matter since they would've been caught anyways.

Jungkook giggled once he noticed Taehyung's ears turned red and his heart rate sped up. "You're so cute." He commented making the said males heart speed up even more.

The Prince suddenly lifted up the older by placing his arms around the latter's butt and connected their chests together. The black haired bit his lip while smiling once their faces were yet again, centimeters away.

But of course the moment had to be ruined when the unlocked door opened up, the King stepping inside and smiling once he saw the two in their element. But he quickly regained himself and cleared his throat, causing the two to freeze before Jungkook set the latter down.

"Hi Dad." The Prince bluntly said, Taehyung shyly bowing after he was set down. The King chuckled while observing the flustered pair.

"I apologize for interrupting, but I need to speak to my son for a moment."

Jungkook knew whenever his dad had to speak to him about something, it was always very important. So with that being said, the younger turned to face Taehyung and gently grabbed his hand. 

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