Jealousy [7]

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     "Hey Y/n! You're looking gorgeous today! look like gorgeous everyday, you're just MORE gorgeous today!" Tanaka yells from across the court as you walk in, snickering at his behavior.

Strolling over to the one spot on the bleachers you've claimed as your area and set down your bags. You hear rapid footsteps from behind you. You slightly turn your head, alarmed at the pace in which they are coming.

"MY GODESS! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!" Noya yells as he jumps up in the air multiple times in front of you.

     Pulling you into a bone crushing hug he asks, "Where were you?! Ryu and I missed our queen Y/n! Practice is pretty much over, we can't spend that much time with you now!"

     Unbenounced to you, a certain green haired boy was watching with ill intentions of what he'd do to Noya and Tanaka if he could get his hands on them. A sour taste in his mouth and a drop in his stomach as he watches the scene before him unfold.
You wheeze out. He mumbles an apology as you bask in the feeling of not being compressed by a 5'2 ball of energy. Taking a moment to catch your breath you respond. "The teacher had to speak with me about something. I also got in trouble 3rd period so I had to clean the classroom".

     "Oooohh~! You're a bad girl my goddess, just like me. I like it." He gives you a smirk. You couldn't help but blush at his choice of words.

     "Hey," Tanaka strolls up behind Nishinoya and places an elbow on his shoulder. "Because it's Friday today and it's going to be hot this weekend, do you want to go to the beach with me and Noya tomorrow?"

    "Oh my god, YES!" The two boys break out in two huge smiles. They get to see Y/n in a swimsuit AND they get to spend time alone with her. What a blessing. "We should invite the whole team too!"

      The two boy's faces fall. If they refuse there's a big chance she'll bail. And they can't ruin their chances.

     'Screw it, we're still gonna see Y/n in a cute swimsuit!' The duo thinks telepathically to each other, smiles rising back on their faces.


     You give them a big grin which sends their souls into orbit.

     'SO CUTE!!'

     Tanaka turns around and grabs the whole teams attention.


     The team turns to them, exhausted from practicing hard.

"Want to hang out with me and Noya tomorrow at the beach?"

                 "No" everyone collectively said.

"Aw come on guys! I'll be there and bring food! OH! And we'll play some beach volleyball!" You beg, facing the team with puppy dog eyes.


                 "OKAY!" Everyone collectively yelled out again.

     Snickering at the boys you walk over to Tsukishima with a spring in your step. "Hey Tsukki! You coming too?"

    "No, I'd rather not deal with your mindless flirting the whole time. Also you're pretty annoying." He spat out.

     Refusing to give up you grabbed onto his arm and begged, "Awwww, come on Kei! You love me and my flirting too much! Stop denying it! And stop being a fun killer, just come!"

     He turns his face to try and stop the rising blush he can feel coming to his face and grumbles out an 'okay'.

     Squealing you pull him into a hug and say thank you.

     The bitter taste in the freckles boys mouth became unbearable as he witnessed this. A scowl was placed on his face yet quickly transitions into a smile as you turn around to face him.

     "Hey Yams! Are you coming too? You better not try to bail like that bean pole did". You question, running up to him.

     "Y-Yeah, I'll come Y/n" he stutters out. You squeal again and pull him into a hug. Unlike Tsukishima who just blushed and looked away, Yamaguchi hugged you back, burrowing his head in your neck. Taking in your scent he calmed down from the encounter you had with Tsukki.

     You try to pull away but he keeps a secure lock on you. Patting his shoulder you mutter, "Uhm....Yams, can you let go? I know I'm the best hugger in the world but I need to get ready for us to walk home".

     "O-oh" he reels back, letting you go. "I'm sorry. I just really needed a hug right now" he looks down at his feet. "I'm sorry for being a bad friend like that".

     "No! Don't think like that Tadashi! You are an amazing friend, I didn't even mind the long hug. I just needed to get my things together. That's all." You reach up and pat his head, running your hand trough his hair. "You can hug me anytime you need to Yams!".

     "Thank you Y/n". He melted into your touch.

     He watched as you walked away, missing your warm hand through his hair.

• • •

    "Ugh! I cant choose which one to wear tomorrow!" You were fighting with yourself over which swimsuit to wear. Both were cute.

     One was a plain maroon bikini. It was a little skimpy, but who didn't like showing skin at a beach sometimes? Plus it had a stronger clasp than the yellow one, making it more unlikely of falling off in the water because we all know that trope in a beach episode. Fourth walls? We don't know her.

     The other was a yellow ruffled bikini. It had a big bow on the chest and two little ones on either side of the hips. It was super adorable, your mother picked it out for you last year for a swimming vacation with your family.

     You are really leaning in favor of the maroon one but first you need to see if it still fits you. Taking off your pants and underwear, you slip on the swimsuit bottoms. 'The bottoms still fit' you smile

     You then take off your shirt and try to unclip your bra when,


     'What was that?' You look around your room, an uneasy feeling settled in your gut. You turned to your window, the curtains still drawn open. You quickly put your shirt back on and tip toe to the window and peek out.

     Not seeing anything you open the window and look out further. Squinting your eyes to try and see through the darkness you still couldn't find anything. 'Must be my imagination'.

     Remembering that the amount of stalkers and creeps had spiked up recently, you closed and locked your window, shutting the curtains afterward, shuttering.

     '....that was odd'

     Taking off your shirt again you fully change into the bikini and look at yourself in the mirror.

     "Damn!" You spin around in it, "I'm feeling this one."

     You sigh in exhaustion, change into your sleepwear, shut off the lights, and fall onto your bed. Curling into the sheets you shoot Yams a text.

From: Y/n 💖
To: Yamagucci

Hey, I'm always here for you ya know. I'll give you a hug whenever you need it. Remember that. Goodnight Yams :) <3

• • •

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