Help [12]

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     I giddily skip up to Yamaguchi's front door. Clutching my bag, I knock on the door rapidly.

I've been long overdue for a hangout with just Yamaguchi and I. Usually Tsukki is almost always stuck to my side since High school started and now I don't really get enough time with just Yams and I. I'm not really complaining though, he is pretty cute and he's really just a softie on the inside. Part of the reason why I'm falling head over heels for that son of a bitch.

Also, Yamaguchi has been seeming more, tense, for the past week and a half. He's flinching at the slightest noises and been showing signs of depression. I feel like I need to get to know what's happening in his home life without prying too much. I want him to feel comfortable enough to come up to me and just talk it out. What's a friend for anyways?

Which is what led me on his doorstep, shaking my leg up and down with anticipation. Watching as the door slowly opens, I grin.

"Hey Yams!"

"Hey Y/n, come on in!" He stepped aside and let me enter his house.


'What's that metallic smell?'

As I'm taking my shoes off, I notice several candles strewn about his house.

'Why so many candles?'

'They smell good though'

     Standing back up and sliding on the slippers he gave me I suppressed a snicker.

'His mom probably thinks he stinks'

'Wouldn't blame her though, a teenage boy who's in a sport can get quite smelly'

     Heading to the living room I also pick up a strange strong yet hidden smell.


'Was he doing a deep clean of the floors?'

     I glance down at the wooden flooring. It looked pretty shiny, like he had recently done it. Shrugging off all of the strange smells I plop down on his large, fluffy, white couches. I pull my bag out onto my lap.

     "So, I brought the Nintendo Switch with a few games I thought you would like!" Taking out the console you start hooking it up to his giant TV. Placing the HDMI cables and power cords in their respective places.

     Unbeknownst to you, a certain greenette who was sitting on the couch was having an internal panic attack.

• • •

'I knew I should have scrubbed the floors harder!'

'God you are so stupid'

'Why didn't you use a nice smelling floor cleaner after using the bleach?'

'Can't you do anything right?'

"Yams, I'm going to go get some snacks for us. Okay?" I look over to Y/n who interrupted my raging thoughts. She stood up from the console she was working on and walked to the doorframe of the living room.

All For You (Yandere Yamaguchi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now