Duo [10]

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After returning home from the beach, it turned out that there was a major test on Monday that nobody studied for because they were all at the beach until nighttime.

     It was too late. By Monday night after practice everyone was reviewing their tests in the volley ball club room.

     "Are you kidding me? Another 16%. My moms going to kill meee" Tanaka whined while gripping his test in the volleyball club room, almost ripping it.

     "Really?" Noya turns his head, "I got a 7%! It's a new low high score!" He pumps his first in the air.

     "You know, you shouldn't be that happy about low scores like that. You'll miss out on games if you fail a class." Suga piped in.

     "Yeah yeah, I know" Nishinoya hung his head low with Tanaka.

     All of the club members filed out of the room slowly except for Noya and Tanaka who were still sulking. Yamaguchi avoided walking home with Tsukki and Y/n by saying he left something in his gym locker and he also had to speak with school staff.

    Double checking that everyone was gone from and in the general vicinity of the club room, Yamaguchi walked in.

     Fake concern drew itself on his face as he looked at the two still sulking in the club rooms
"Is everything alright guys?"

     "No, we are going to fail a class and not be able to play in any games anymore" Tanaka whimpered with Nishinoya nodding next to him.

     "Do you guys need help? I can tutor you guys if you really need it." Yamaguchi shyly smiled at them.

     "What?! REALLY?" Tanaka's face lit up

     "Are you kidding me? Why would we say no?!" Noya started bouncing with excitement.

     "Yeah, it really is not a problem at all. I'm happy to be of help"

     "Where and when is the session going to be?" Tanaka questioned, placing both hands on his hips.

     "Well, I guess we could do it at my place. I have a large living room so that's a plus. And as for the time....how about tonight, at 6pm?" Yamaguchi asked.

The two ferociously nodded and went on their merry way out of the club room, almost skipping out of it they were so elated.


'It's all working out, I told you so.'

'h̸a̸t̴e̵v̶e̶r̷ ̴k̵i̸d̸'̸

'I'll let you know the exact moment I want you to bury yourself in my subconscious okay?'

'G̶o̶t̵ ̸i̷t̷ ̵i̷d̷,̷ ̵I̷ ̵c̶a̴n̵t̶ ̷w̴a̷i̶t̵ ̵f̶r̷ ̵t̴h̴e̶ ̷f̵u̶ ̵o̶ ̷b̴e̶g̶i̴n̴!̷'̴

'Remember the plan though.'

'Y̸e̵a̵h̶ ̸y̶e̶a̴.̵ ̴N̵o̷w̴ ̵t̶i̷m̶s̷ ̶t̴i̴c̶g̴,̴ ̵a̶n̶d̵ ̶y̷o̷u̷ ̴e̵e̶d̴ ̷t̵ ̴e̷t̴ ̶e̶a̶d̷y̶ ̶f̶o̴r̷ ̷y̷o̸u̸r̵ ̵b̴g̵ ̵d̴b̴u̷t̶!̴'̷

'I know'

• • •

'Just 5 more minutes until they get here!'

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