Another [15]

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     "KEI NO! LOOK OUT!" She screeches, trying to push me away.

"What?-" wiping my red and puffy eyes I turn my head.

     A blunt object collides with my ribs. My body flies out of Y/n's grasp and lands a few feet away on the cold concrete.

'Goddammit that hurt.'

     Every labored breath I take sends a shooting pain down my body.

'I think my ribs are broken'

My glasses skidding into the ground I look blindly in the direction of the blurred figure.

     "Get your dirty hands off of her" I quickly identify the voice to be Yamaguchi's and I crawl backwards, holding onto my tender side tightly. He appears to be holding a crowbar. Damn. He hit me with that? What the hell happened to you Tadashi? I glance over at Y/n, she was sobbing and shouting incoherently at Yamaguchi. My heart aches. I don't like seeing her cry. I cant stand it when she's in this state.

     "Get the fuck away from me!" I yell at him, giving him a deadly stare from the floor.

     "Or what?" He laughs a bit before continuing, "You'll call for your mommy? Ha! You can't do shit! You're ribs are probably broken and now that you've seen this-" he waves and points the crow bar around the room, "I can't let you go now. You'll ruin my happy ending with Y/n!"

'He's fucking crazy'

     "What happened to you Tadashi?" I snapped out at him, venom lacing in with every consonant.

     I watch with widening eyes as he gripped onto his face with one of his hands and started laughing maniacally. What the fuck? He's hyperventilating. Its like he's in a trance. What's wrong with his eyes?

     "......Y/n happened."

'Is this a dream. Please just be a nightmare.'

     He suddenly runs at me with his rusted crowbar, letting out a battle cry. I quickly roll to the side before he could slam the metal on my body. An echo from the iron connecting with the concrete sounds throughout the room. Desperately trying to hold in another sob from the searing pain in my rib cage because of the dodge. He continues to slice the crowbar through the air with Ill intent on killing me.

     * c r a c k *

     "FUCK!" I whimper out, clutching my bicep. Another broken one. A deep gash bleeds out and drips down my arm from the impact of the metal bar. The oxygen around me stinging the open wound. Goddammit.

     He takes one of his feet and presses it onto my chest, pushing hard, he kicks me flat to the ground. He presses his foot down on my injured rib cage. I cry out in agony, trying to kick him off of me. He doesn't bat an eye at my useless and weak attempts to shake him off, only taking the crowbar in both of his hands and raising it above his head, aiming for mine. I clench my eyes closed, covering my head with my injured arm, preparing for death as he swings the metal rod down.



'This is really how I die?'

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