[Ending 3]

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You hate him.

I love him.

No you fucking don't.
Snap out of it Y/n.

Snap out of what? You're just me talking to myself. Or you talking to you. Or I'm talking to you....what? I'm confused. What was I talking about again?

Christ, you're even worse than I thought.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're going insane staying here.

No I'm not. Stop it.

You delusional bitch, you're talking to yourself for Christ sakes!

So? Everyone talks to themselves.

Don't you get it?
You're being manipulated.
     I'm the spawn of that manipulation dumbass.
Stop seeing through rose colored glasses and open your god damn eyes woman!

I'm not being manipulated.
And I'm not seeing through rose colored lenses.
You're just jealous.
Get out of my head.

You've lost it.
I'm trying to save you dumbass!

I don't need saving.

Oh really?

Yes! Really!

Leave me alone.

Listen here dipfuck, I'm trying to save you. I'm trying to get you out of this hell hole.

This isn't a hell hole. It's Tadashi's room. I've been here so many times it's like my home.

     I swear to god if I had a body of my own I'd bitch slap you.

That's mean.

      Shut the fuck up.


  You need to get out of here if you want to see the light of day again.


What about your parents?
Don't you miss them?
What about the volleyball team?
Sure you weren't that close with them but how about new friends?
I need you to escape.
I don't care if you think you love him.
This is wrong and you know it.
You just don't want to admit it do you?

Are you sure this is the right path to take?

I'm sure.
I'll do everything I can to keep you safe.
Although I technically am "You", I still see myself as a separate entity from you.
Because of that, we will be working as a team.
Got it?

All For You (Yandere Yamaguchi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now