Cuddle Me....Please [20]

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It hurts.

Are you okay Kei?
Are you there?

     My chest hurts

I thought so.

     I was hoping to confess to you one day.

Me too
But I guess life is just a cruel bitch.
Is any of that even real?

     It just hurts.
Please help me.
     I don't like this..

Why does it have to be like this?
Am I supposed to love someone else?
Am I supposed to love Tadashi?
And not you?

you can't.


     My heart hurts for you.
    Longs for you.
    Didn't you love me first Y/n?

But these feelings are so confusing.
He's a murderer Kei.
Do I love both of you?
He's a monster.
Am I a slut for thinking that?
For liking such a scary person and you at the same time?
A disgrace?

     You'll never be disgusting Y/n

Goodbye Kei.
I'll miss you.
You were always there for me.
Is always hard letting go of someone.
Especially ones you love.

I love you.

I really do love you Kei Tsukishima.

      I love you too.

     I really do love you too Y/n L/n.

• • •


   My head is throbbing.

     Trying to roll over and continue my slumber, I feel a pair of warm and strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind me, restricting me from doing so.

     "Tadashi" I whisper, trying to awkwardly wiggle his shoulder from behind me. He just lets out a soft grunt and squeezes me tighter.

      Letting out a sigh I reel back my arm and slap one of his limbs that have a vice grip around me.

     "WHAT THE HELL?" He jolts awake, retracting his arms and throwing them in the air with surprise.

     "You were squeezing me so hard Yams" I crawl over closer to him and whisper in his ear. He mumbles a quick sorry before hugging me and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

     "You want to go make breakfast with me?" His morning voice was husky as he shoved his head in my collarbone.

     "But I don't feel like moving, the bed is so comfy" You admitted, sprawling back on the bed with a soft thump.

     "Pleaaaseee? I'll make pancakes, your favorite. I'll make them super fluffy for you too!" He gently muttered, crawling on top of your form and plopping down, his head resting on your chest.

     "Well, I cant get up if your fat ass is on top of me." Picking up a pillow and smothering his face playfully. He giggles and grabs the pillow off of his face and smack you across the face with it.

     Throwing the pillow off of my face and across the room I thread my hands through his silky green hair. "Let's go".

     He picks himself up off of me and the bed, holding out a hand for me. Taking his soft and comforting hand, he pulls me up and into his arms, wrapping me in another embrace. Leaning down, he plants a small kiss on my lips, short lived, but filled with love.

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