[Ending 1]

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     "Fucking hell." I mutter, leaning my head on the steering wheel. There's no more leads, I don't have a warrant, and I just KNOW it's Yamaguchi Tadashi who's behind this.

He should be at school today.

Swiping a hand through my ravenette hair, I put my keys in ignition and the cars starts with a soft purr. Just like a kitten. Getting in gear, I step on the gas and pull out of my driveway.

Trying to figure out how to find his address while simultaneously driving turns out to be quite hard.

Soon, I drive down his street, searching for his house with my head on a swivel. Not before long, I spot it, unconsciously speeding up the car, I pull into the driveway.

Unbuckling and shutting the car door closed, I pull out my gun. I turn the safety off and pull it out in front of me, lowering it a bit.

I make my way to the front door and jiggle the handle....locked. Of course. I round the house a bit and find a window. reeling back the butt of the pistol, I slam it down hard on the four corners of the window and elbow the rest of the glass away. placing down my leather jacket over the windowsill, I jump into the room.

Crouching down a little, I glance around the room before peeking out the room's doorframe, aiming my firearm around it.


I run down the hallway.


Tripping on something, I fall to the floor with a a loud thump.




A smile breaks out on my face.

"HEEEYYY!! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS??" I shout throughout the house. The screeching seemed to get louder and more desperate as I run around the house.

Nearing a hallway with a white carpet, I lean down and press my ear up against the cold wooden flooring. The cries seem to be the loudest here. Kicking up the plush carpet, I notice a trapdoor. Quickly, I run in front of it and pull at the handle with a sense of determination that could knock you off your feet.

"Dammit!" I shout, running around the house I search desperately for a weapon of any kind. Stopping in the living room, I notice a fireplace with a firepoker. Snatching up the metal rod, I sprint back to the door, shoving my gun back in its holster. Raising the bar above my head, I strike the metal lock multiple times, bending and twisting its mechanics before it eventually breaks off.

Throwing the poker to the side, I heave open the trapdoor and pull my gun out again, raising it. Charging down the stairs where the screams are coming from, a vile smell plunged into my lungs. Gagging, I flick on a light switch.

"Oh my god"

I see two teenagers, one blond and one H/c. They are both tied up differently. One is standing up by a chain, and the other is in the corner tied up with thick rope. They are both blubbering and sobbing. The boy one looks in critical condition and the girl looks like she's about to have a breakdown.

Pulling out my phone I dial a number.

"Yeah..., I found two of them.....Yup..... I need a few ambulances.....and several cop cars right fucking now." Hanging up, I shove my phone is my pocket.

I run over to them and pull out a switchblade from my back pocket and start cutting at their ropes and releasing her of the chain.

"I'm detective Levi Ackerman. The police and and ambulance will be here in a minute. What are your names?"

All For You (Yandere Yamaguchi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now