You Can't [4]

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     "Yes!" I yell as I nail my jump float serve. As soon as I landed on my feet I turned to Y/n. "Did you see that Y/n? I told you my serve was cool!".

     "Yeah I saw it Yams, it was pretty cool if I do say so myself". I smiled at her response.

     "Well, well, well, Yamaguchi my man. Who is this angel you brought to practice?" Tanaka strolls up to me, pointing at Y/n.

     "Yeah man, what gives you the right to have such a hottie as your girlfriend?" Nishinoya snickers, his arm resting on Tanaka's shoulder.

"E-eh?? Uh, s-shes not my g-girlfriend!" I stutter out, raising both my hands to my face to block my red face from the whole team.

"She's not your girlfriend? AW YEAH, SCORE!" I glanced at them as they high fived each other. They both had a blush on their face.

"So she's free for the taking huh?" Nishinoya giggles with Tanaka, side eyeing Y/n who was sitting on the bleachers, finishing any homework she had.

Since Tsukki and I started playing volleyball this year, we sort of found it convenient for Y/n to wait for practice to end so we could walk her home. This had multiple benefits. One, there was a spike in the amount of stalkers and creeps on the streets recently so me and Tsukki decided it wasn't best for her to walk home alone anymore. Two, she could finish any homework she had or just relax for a bit. And three, I get to spend even more time with her than I already do.

     'This is going to be a problem, I can't let them take Y/n away from me and Tsukki'

"Jeez you horndogs, take a look at her. She's obviously out of all of your leagues, so stop having your panties in a twist". Tsukki snapped at the four who were drooling over you.

"HEY! Get back to practicing guys! Inter High Prelims are just around the corner!" Daichi yells from the other side of the court.


"Pfffft! They all called you 'Sir'. You really are like an old man" Suga snickers at Daichi. I see a tic mark grow on his face as he starts to scold Sugawara.

     'This won't do.....I want Y/n to like me back and stay with Tsukki and me....'

'Y̶o̴u̷ ̴c̵o̵u̶l̶ ̴a̵l̸w̸s̵ ̴k̴l̵l̵ ̶t̵h̴m̴,̵ ̴y̴ ̵k̵n̷o̷w̷?̸'

I whip my head around. No one is around me. Who was that? I sigh, and smack my cheeks lightly. What is up with me? These weird thoughts all the time are distracting me. Plus I could never hurt a fly, let alone a person. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, maybe that's it.

"Yo, Yamaguchi! You good? You're kinda spacing out here, are you thinking of your girlfriend over there?" Tanaka asks, waving his hand in my face.

"Oh! I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I send him a reassuring smile. He gave me an uncertain look and mumbles an okay before turning around to continue practicing.

I sigh and continue to practice on my jump float serves.

• • •

Changing out of my practice shoes and into my regular shoes I can't help but think about how to get Y/n to like me back.

'Even Tsukki said I'm out of her league.....'


'What was that?' I turn around to see Tsukki's phone light up on the bleachers next to his bag. I guess he left his phone out in the open.

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