It's What You Deserve [11]

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     It was easy to miss the basement in my house. It was a trapdoor opening basement covered by a rug. Even I forget we even have  basement sometimes.

It's a flawless plan really. Those two are so gullible. Lure them to my house alone with nobody at all knowing about this encounter, knock them out, and chain them up in the basement.

     You wouldn't even smell the rotting corpses from the basement, it's too thick of a door. Plus the lush carpet that's draped over the door.

     I just need to teach them a lesson. Why couldn't they just learn basic respect? All they had to do was stop harassing Y/n. It was that simple. They could of avoided this. It's not my fault. And it won't ever be my fault. They brought this upon themselves.

Walking down the stairs of my basement, I sigh. It's been a few days since I last went down there, they'll probably be whining out of hunger.

My parents aren't home a lot, and when they are, they are usually in a deep slumber. They both work 3rd shifts. They have been for years and they still feel guilty about not interacting with me as much as other parents do. I reassure them every time they feel guilt creeping up on their backs. It's not something they can control.

I'm not complaining though. It works out amazingly for what I'm about to do.

     I walk up to the duo chained up with their arms around the poles behind them, like the dogs they are, both out cold.

I turn to Tanaka, walking closer to him and kick him with as much power as I could in the face.

"AUGH! What the hell?!" Tanaka opens his eyes and sees the chains he's tied up with. He begins ferociously tugging at his chains until he takes notice of me. "Huh? Yamaguchi?! Oh my god thank the lord you're here! Help me-"

Oh my god. Did he forget what happened? So stupid. So very fucking stupid.


Tanaka looks up at me with wide eyes and stops tugging at the chain.

"Oh boy, you are so funny! You know that right?" I lean in close to his face. My pupils widening. And a sadistic smile cracking itself on my face.

"You're going to die here."
"All because you just HAD to harass my precious Y/n!"

Tanaka just stares at me with a dumb look "What the hell do you mean by harass? I haven't done anything to her!"

"Infuriating, you don't seem to understand" I mutter before punching him square in the nose.

     A nauseating crunch was heard as blood oozed from his nose. He grunted in pain. Turning my back to him I made my way to that scoundrel Nishinoya. He was even worse with the harassment. Touching her. Feeling her up. Talking to her in ways I won't allow.


     "Hey! Stay away from him or so help me I'll break out if these chains and kill you! You hear me?!" I look at him over my shoulder, my eyes burning a hole through his face.

"Tough talk for a dead man."

     I grabbed a fist full of Nishinoya's hair and slammed his head on the pole he was chained up to. He let out a pained grunt and opened his eyes wide. His eyes narrowed when they landed on me,

     "You bitch. LET US GO!"

"I don't feel like it." I smirked.

     "Don't mess with me Yamaguchi." Nishinoya growled, yanking at the chains.

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