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She was now standing infront of the unfamiliar building

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She was now standing infront of the unfamiliar building. Nervousness wasn't her thing but she felt a bit uneasy thinking about what will happen next. Thankfully, she didn't have to bother about being recognised as Lee Hyejin, her fake identity.

There was still an hour left before the classes were to begin so she sat on a random bench within the college area and listened to night changes. It was one of her favourite song as it always calmed her down the way a mere human couldn't do. Atleast not when it came to her.

Getting slightly annoyed by the continuous cycle of disruptions, she turned around, taking off her airpods only to encounter three boys bullying a younger one. What a great start of her first day.

Of course she wasn't the one to enjoy the show so she got up to approach them. "Don't you have anything better to do?" She addressed the three boys, clearly annoyed by their actions.

"Look who we have here. Perhaps a new student? Oh honey believe me you don't want your first day to be your worst nightmare. Mind your own business." said the boy with jet black hair and continued what he had to leave because of the sudden interruption.

"It is my first day but I won't hesitate to make it your last." she spoke, clearly threatening them.

"P-please l-let it b-be.. I d-don't want y-you to g-get in t-trouble." the boy covered with punch marks on the face spoke, well atleast he tried to speak, trying not to drag her to his problems. Upon hearing him, her once piercing eyes softened. God, he is so precious. She thought to herself before shooting glares at the three who seemed to be of her age.

"I don't want to see you three around him again or you'll be responsible for the consequences." She said totally unbothered of the looks on the boys' faces.

"Threatening us now, are we? You have no idea what you got yourself into." Another one of the boys spoke, now taking steps closer to the girl.Just when she was about to take a step into fighting, a girl came running towards them.

"A-are you the n-new stu..student?" She said, panting as a result of running.

"Yes" Hyejin replied waiting for the girl to continue. "I uhh.. you should visit the principal's office y-you know to..to get your schedule." she said avoiding the eye contact with the three boys. Well yes she really didn't want Hyejin to get into trouble. Perhaps, she knew her?

She nodded, gesturing the beaten up boy to follow her and left before shooting death glares to the three.

"Oi! Whatcha thinkin'?" The boy with the jet black hair asked the youngest one among them noticing that he had been oddly quite during their whole conversation; more like an argument with the girl.

The boy simply shook his head sideways before heading towards the cafeteria.

The boy simply shook his head sideways before heading towards the cafeteria

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Taking her schedule, Hyejin headed to her first class; History. Teacher asked her to wait outside and while doing so, a boy approached her.

"Uh..thanks..for helping me.." seeing he had trouble finding the words, she smiled genuinely.

"Don't mention it. I just did what was right."

"You could've gotten yourself into trouble..even now..I suggest you stay away from those three.." She gave him a sad smile seeing how terrified the boy seemed.

"I'm Chenle by the way, Zhong Chenle." He said raising his hand for a handshake.

"Zhao Hyejin" she smiled and shook his hand.

"See you at the cafeteria during lunch break?" He asked, looking away flustered.

"I would prefer the rooftop." The girl replied.

"It is prohibited you know..to go there." He reasoned.

"Nothing's a no for me." She said smirking.

The boy nodded and headed towards the opposite direction while the girl waited for the teacher's sign to enter the class.

"As you know we have a transfer student, please treat her well and I hope you can make a good first impression on her." The teacher said eyeing specific students in the class before gesturing the girl to enter.

The girl entered, making her way to the front and before she could speak, a boy opened the door and calmly made the way to his seat.

"Mr. Liu. You're late. Again. Care to explain why?" She asked clearly annoyed by the boy's behaviour. "None of your business." The boy spat making Hyejin scoff. He was one of the boys from the morning.

"I'm Zhao Hyejin. That's all you need to know about me. I would suggest you all to stay away from me." She turned to look at the teacher, waiting for her to assign a seat.

"Uhh..You can sit beside Mr. Liu." The girl looked towards the direction the boy went a few minutes ago and approached her seat, at the very end of the class, next to the window and kept her bag on a side.

"Welcome." He said before continuing, "Lee Hyejin." He spoke almost mumbling but the girl heard it all clear making her heartbeat increase.

" He spoke almost mumbling but the girl heard it all clear making her heartbeat increase

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