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Yangyang's POV

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Yangyang's POV

I sat beside her in the alley I usually hid when they would catch me with my friends. She looked ethereal. I saw how she ran, enjoying the situation even though it was dangerous. I can't even imagine my life without her anymore.

If only my life wasn't this complicated, I could be with her. I knew, I knew I shouldn't have told her I liked her but.. it just happened. I have to tell her we can't be together. But I don't want to be the reason for her sadness. The way her eyes sparkled when I told her how I felt.. ughh it's too much for me to handle.

I looked at her trying to catch her breath until my phone rung. Wait. I- shit! I fucked up. Winwin hyung called me.

End of Yangyang's POV

"Where the hell are you?!"

"I- hyung something came up."

"I don't think we can make it now, your mother got shot. I managed to take out the bullet but going there is just not possible."

"Wh- I.. I'm sorry I- please take care of her. I'm coming."

I knew I had to go. We finally found a place safe for her and I had to mess up.

He quickly dropped her home and went to the place he was supposed to be at. He knew he had to go but well, seeing her crying made him forget everything.

Reaching the house at the corner of yellow wood street, he rushed towards the entrance. His heart raced seeing blood all over the place. Please be fine. Please be fine. Going further into the house he heard someone talk, basically someone trying to console the one he was talking to.

His eyes went wide when he saw Winwin covered in blood, barely managing to sit as he bandaged the woman lying on the bed.

"Hyung.." He spoke, his hands shaking from fear. "Take her to neo street, Yangyang. I- call Kun hyung and tell him to come here." Winwin mumbled, holding his stomach.

"I-I'm sorry hyung I didn't mean t-" "We d-don't have t-time, Yangyang. I'll be f-fine, don't worry. I'll t-tell you the.. d-details later.." Winwin spoke as his breathing got slow.Yangyang quickly dialled Kun's no. and told him about Winwin.

Then he called Lucas. He had to tell him to protect Hyejin. "Lucas hyung.. Winwin hyung got shot. I- I informed kun hyung. Just..just take care of her. They saw her.. she.. she is in danger.. if you can just.. take.. take her away from here.. please?" He quickly hung up and took out his sim before taking his mother to their destination.

 please?" He quickly hung up and took out his sim before taking his mother to their destination

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It had been a week since Hyejin got into that accident. Finally, she was going home. As much as she wanted to feel happy and at ease, she couldn't stop thinking where Yangyang could be or is he even alive. Her troubles doubled when she heard that the 'accident' was actually a murder attempt which she survived.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lucas asked they sat in the car. She shook her head and looked outside the window. "Any news about..him?" Her voice came out almost as a whisper. "No.. but I'm sure he's okay.." He seemed to be in deep thought.

The rest of the ride went by silently. Both of them had been at a loss of words, the situation they were in didn't help either. Lucas drove to the  location the boys had moved. He kept glancing at the spaced out girl, completely understanding what she was going through.

They were greeted by Ten and Kun as they entered their new apartment. "How are you feeling, Hyejin?" Kun asked as he closed the door. "Better, I guess.." The girl replied, looking around. "How's Si Cheng?" She questioned, making her way to the couch.

"Well, his legs can't hold weight so he might not be able to walk." Kun replied. "Will he be alright I mean- the more I think the more I realise that I am the one responsible for this.." Hyejin looked down. "I'm sorry.." She whispered. Ten looked at her and gave her a weak smile.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. He'll be fine, I'm sure." The last part came out as a whisper. He looked around frequently in attempt to prevent himself from crying and left before giving the girl a reassuring smile.

"Hyung I-" Xiaojun entered the living room in search of Kun but came to a halt as he saw Hyejin. He could not look up to meet her eyes as guilt started building up in him. "I-I..h-how are y-you?" He stuttered, still avoiding eye contact.

"Hyejin, you need to rest, let's go." Lucas held her wrist and stood up completely ignoring Xiaojun. He hadn't forgiven him yet. "Lucas-" She tried to stop her best friend but to no avail. Reaching the intended room, he loosened his grip on her hand and sighed.

"You are not going anywhere near him. Get it?" He spoke sternly. "Lucas I-" "No. I won't allow you. He has caused more harm than he-" "It's okay, Lucas. Calm down." She interrupted.

"Come here." She sat on the bed asking him to do the same. "Look. He was angry at that time. He lost control of his words-" "It wasn't the first time, Hyejin." Lucas reminded the girl. "Oh come on. Did you see the look on his face? He is feeling guilty for what he did, Lucas. Plus he was worried about Yangyang and.. I would do the same if I were him." Hyejin looked down. She had not forgotten that particular boy even for a single day.

"But still, Hyejin. He hurt you. An-" "Lucas, he is your best friend and so am I. I understand how worried you were because of me but it's still not right to hold grudges, not when I'm safe and sound in front of you." She tried to convince him yet again.

"Fine. Only this time. Only for you." He pinched her cheeks. "Oww okay okay now go and give him a hug, alright?" "..ok.." He replied, smiling at the girl. He got up and left while her worries came running back to her. Where are you, Yangyang? Please be alright.

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