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people were asking and i finally listened

brb gonnna go break rule 12 bc this shits ugly yall-

"Get out of the way!"

I leapt to the side, eyeing the zooming cab as it raced past. The music pumping through my headphones caused me to shrug in nonchalance as I continued on my way, dodging by pedestrians and slipping across the hoods of cars. My fingers clicked to the beat as I pranced my way downtown.

Nodding my head to the rhythm, I entered the cafe with a ding from the bell that clanged above the frame. I leapt lightly on the balls of my feet as I flounced to the song playing through my headphones towards the counter. I shoved them off to order.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I mumbled to myself as I studied the menu of hot drinks. The cashier gave me an exasperated, dirty look as I took my time pondering.
"Can I get a hot chocolate."

With raised eyebrows, the cashier took my order as I paid with loose change. I loitered by the counter as I waited, not bothering to sit, and while I did so, a flash of blonde caught my gaze.

I shifted my attention to the blonde-haired boy as he walked down the street, oblivious to my stare. The sunlight caught his hair in highlights, and made his green eyes glint in a mischievous, yet wise light. His hands rested in his forest green hoody pockets while he sauntered lazily, but had a careful tread to them like he was purposefully avoided footstep sounds. As if he felt my stare, he caught my gaze. My eyes widened in embarrassment that he caught me, but his lips just turned upwards in a crooked smirk.

To say I was breathless by his beauty and in plain intrigument was an understatement.

"Hot chocolate?"

I turned, smiling in thanks as I grabbed my hot drink, relieved for the distraction. By the time I exited the small cafe, the blonde haired boy had already disappeared, seemingly into thin air.

I frowned, glancing down the street, skimming my eyes across the heads of the pedestrians. Nothing. That couldn't be possible, could it?

I shook my head. No matter. I had places to be and people to see.

Placing my headphones back onto their rightful place, I nursed my hot chocolate as I bounded my way down the street, continuing onto my destination. The park, where I was meeting up with a couple of my friends to skate.

I made my way down the street, dancing around objects that lay in my path, precariously balancing my hot chocolate in my hand.

The entrance to the park loomed in front of me like a gateway to nature itself. I inhaled deeply, smiling to myself, before embarking forward onto my journey. I paced my way through the park, enjoying the scenery and sipping my sweet drink.

I took out my phone, checking for updates. Nada. Shit.
I plonked down on a nearby seat and placed my cup down next to me, slouching over my device as I texted my friends, querying as to how far away they were.

Five minutes, my friend Claire replied. I huffed through my nose a little and stood, sending back an acknowledgment message. I embarked down the short concrete path to the half pipe, where some other teenagers were hanging around and skateboarding.

Soon enough, my friends collected there in a group, laughing and chatting the minutes away. I approached them with a bright grin, some which were returned, others which were ignored. Not all of them were my friends, let's get that straight.

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