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I shifted nervously on the wooden planks, the rubber of my jandals squelching as I wrung my hands.
It was Friday, three weeks since I last saw Lloyd. Garmadon, his father, told me what time the ninja were returning (with multiple thank you's on my part), so, there I was, standing at the docks with a swirling stomach and a smile as wide as the Nile itself.
I was waiting with Garmadon and a lady with grey, plaited hair thrown over her shoulder. I gathered that she was Misako, Garmadon's wife and Lloyd's mother, by the way that she immediately brought me into a gentle hug when Garmadon greeted me.

The two stood off to the side, having a quiet conversation that I tried my best not to listen in. My own eyes scoured the horizon silently, trying to find the shape of a distant ship.
Lloyd told me about the Destiny's Bounty. It acted as a mobile headquarters, able to both sail and fly. At first I considered the idea of a flying ship to be incredulously impossible, I mean seriously, a flying ship? The very idea made my brain whirl.
But then I realised that this was Lloyd. And to keep up with the blonde ball of literal energy, I had to begin to expect the unexpected and just go with whatever he tells me.

I stopped my searching when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and glanced up to see the warm, smiling face of Misako. She gestured for me to sit, so I did.
I stared between the planks, watching the salt water beneath me swell with each wave. The sound of distant waves crashing was soothing, like breathing. In and out. Inhale and exhale.
Misako settled beside me, staring out into the sea with a small smile on her face. She opened her mouth to speak and-
"I know you like my son."

"What?" I asked in surprise, swinging my head up to send her a shocked look. "What?"
Misako's small, content smile turned amused. She continued to stare at the ocean.
"You have an interest on Lloyd, do you not?"

I figured that 'interest' meant 'crush,' and I felt my face instantaneously start heating up like a furnace.
"I- I like him as a friend," I elaborated with wide eyes and a trembly smile. How on earth-?
Misako sent me a disbelieving look, like what I just said was utter bullshit. It probably was.
"And that's why you're blushing?" she said while nudging my shoulder, a grin returned to her face, knowing, beguiled, intrigued. "Garmadon told me that when you and him had your talk over coffee, every time you two mentioned Lloyd, you would smile."

"You're mistaken-"

"Are we?"
Goose. I was caught.
I sagged, caving, as my blush managed to intensify even more. I dropped my gaze back down to the water while I gave a feeble shrug.
"... maybe just a little," I squeaked helplessly as I fiddled my fingers. Misako and Garmadon shared a triumphant grin.

"We didn't want you to feel pressured," Garmadon said as he approached. "But we needed to know. It's not often when a girl likes our son. He isn't very... popular."
I smiled tightly at the water. Yeah. He's popular... though only in the negative sense. Never the positive.
"It isn't often when somebody out of the team considers Lloyd a friend," Misako continued. "Even less, more than a friend."

God, this is humiliating.

"Don't be embarrassed," Garmadon insisted as he patted my shoulder, seemingly able to read my mind. "We think very highly of you. Lloyd's happier than ever, all thanks to you."
I flushed modestly, glancing up at them with a grateful smile.
"And we'll keep this whole 'crush' business to ourselves," Misako promised. I sighed in relief, losing tension.
"Thank you."

I didn't know which would be more mortifying. Lloyd finding out that I had a crush on him, or Lloyd's parents knowing. Either way, Misako and Garmadon knew, and there wasn't anything I could do about that.
Just thank god that Lloyd remained oblivious.

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