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There was only one thing that I knew in this crazy, messed up world;

I am helplessly in love with Lloyd Garmadon.

And after the excruciating three weeks of awkward tensions and reluctant distance that we were both subjected to, I couldn't even begin to explain how nice it was to wake up to his peaceful, sleeping face.

I was surprised that I woke up before him. Usually Lloyd would be up hours before I, being annoyingly fresh with wide smiles and bursting with energy while I'd refuse to acknowledge that it was already morning again. Clearly, we were opposites when it came to whether we were a morning person or not.

But not that morning.
Lloyd was dozing, absolutely zonked out and snoring softly with an arm draped dramatically over his head like some dead Disney Princess. His eyelashes fluttered. His blonde hair shifted as he moved.
I was tempted to wake him but it was overpowered by the undeniable urge to just watch him sleep. It'd been so long since I had the privilege to, let alone even be in his company.

I gingerly untangled my arm from the mess of our limbs, bringing it up to twirl a finger against his soft hair. It was only just getting light outside, bringing a lighter grey hue to the room. It soaked Lloyd in silver.
I must of spent a solid half hour staring at him, because suddenly the sun had burst from its slumber and coated everything in gold. Lloyd's hair glimmered from the leak in his curtains.
As if on cue, his eyes slid open. Green found mine and gently closed again. He shuffled closer painfully slowly, pressing his face against mine.

"Good morning," I whispered with a small, amused smile. He murmured an incomprehensible reply, lazily stretching his back just by shifting his neck. "Do you have that meditation class?" I asked. He sighed through his nose and lethargically nodded, eyes still closed.
"Come on then," I prompted softly, pushing back the duvet and further untangling myself from him. "Let's go."
"I thought you didn't like getting up early?" he muttered languidly, rubbing away the crusty sleep at the corner of his eyes with the pads of his fingers. I hummed, slipping from his bed and stretching.
"I've been up for a while."
"Couldn't sleep?"
"I guess not," I mumbled, slipping on a random, discarded green hoody that had been tossed onto his floor. "Dude, you really need to clean your room."
"Okay, mother."
"Nyeh." I stuck my tongue out at him.

We made our way to the kitchen, grabbing a quick breakfast quietly. We soaked in the silence of a still morning. The weak sun was already chasing away clouds.
"You know what's crazy?" Lloyd murmured as we ate Ninja-O's in the kitchen, sitting on the bench, kicking our feet and watching as the spiritual garden became illuminated in the dawn through the window. "How Nya can't seem to keep her mouth shut around Jay."
I furrowed my brow, sending him a confused look as I munched on my shitty brand cereal.

"I acted like a child because..." he glanced off to the side, smiling humourlessly and rubbing his chin as he tried to find the words to say. "Ah, I don't know... because I was petty after our argument."
Hoo boy. We're having this discussion now? This early in the morning?
"I wanted to- to act like the child you thought I was," he continued, setting his bowl to the side. "And that was not easy. Every time I saw you I just... I wanted to run right up and sweep you into a hug. I didn't even last a week."

Lloyd slipped from the bench, stepping out in front of me. I was frozen, bent over my bowl with my spoon halfway to my mouth. My gaze was set on Lloyd's suspiciously.
"But then I overheard Nya telling Jay about something. I was just passing by her room, it was probably a week and a bit after our fight and I guess that the others were getting fed up with my attitude... she was just frustrated and... really it was just perfect timing. B- but once I knew, I didn't know how to face you again. I didn't know what to say, what to do, how to act- I was scared."
I blinked in confusion.

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