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"Meatball! What are you doing here?" the Sargent Major of the Ninjago Military, aka my papaa, asked after I all but tackled him into a hug. "You should've told me you were coming! I would've put on my good suit."
I stared at his camo pants and sweaty singlet. A dog tag was strung around his neck. He wasn't the most traditional of Sargent Majors, especially on off days.
"Papa, these are your good clothes," I chastised, piquing an eyebrow. He laughed loudly, achieving peak dad as he held his stomach and tilted his head back. I rolled my eyes in amusement, snorting at his overzealous humour.

"Right you are, cupcake," he chortled, wiping an eye. He calmed, glancing behind us at Lloyd and Cole, both in their ninja get ups, and Naomi, who was hovering awkwardly and trying not to look like she was emotionally close to Earth. Dad turned his questioning, hardened-by-the-climate face to me. "You know the ninja?"
My smile strained at the edges.
"U-um!" I stuttered, beginning to panic. "Kind of!"
Dad's brow furrowed in concern.
"How so?"
"She helped defuse a bomb for us!" the Green Ninja cut in swiftly, squinting his green eyes in proud mirth. He was trying to hide how panicked he looked.
FUCK. I shot a bug-eyed, slack-jawed really???!!! look at the Green Ninja, whose face fell behind the mask when he realised his mistake.

Dad straightened. "There was a bomb threat in Ninjago City? Why don't I know about it?"
The back of my neck began to bead with sweat. I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't because of the heat.
"It was just practise," Earth smoothly lied, voice steady and calm - a stark contrast to Lloyd and I. We were both total disasters. "She was teaching us how to defuse a bomb in case we encounter one and can't afford to wait for back-up."
"Oh!" a proud smile slipped onto my father's face. He ruffled my hair affectionately. "Good to know that she's sharing her knowledge."
"Haha yup," I breathlessly replied.
"Alright, well, let's go," Dad clapped his hands. "The others are waiting."

We began to follow behind him as he lead the way. I fell into step with Lloyd, who didn't look all too chuffed that he essentially just fucked up his first time meeting my dad. After a quick glance around to check if anybody was watching us - there wasn't - I slipped my hand into his and squeezed it reassuringly.
"You okay?" I asked quietly. Lloyd hummed, adjusting his gi with his free hand. He didn't give me an answer, so I changed the topic. "What's this ceremony for?"
Lloyd exhaled, dropping his hand while linking his other through my fingers tightly. His gloved thumb rubbed circles onto the back of my hand.
"It's the anniversary of when the military and the secret ninja force began working together," Lloyd replied, but he seemed absent minded. "It's not a public affair because we try to stay out of the limelight as much as possible. You know, keeping our identities secret and all."
I nodded in understanding, swinging our arms between us.

"How's Kashu?"
"Dimitri's his favourite now."
I went to tease him, but he continued.
"Probably because I'm never home."
My jesting grin faded. Lloyd's eyes were shielded, staring at the ground. My lips pursed into a frown and I grabbed his chin.
"It's. not. your. fault," I stressed. Lloyd heaved a shaky sigh in exasperation.
"Why does it feel like it is, then?" he began breathlessly. "I should've stopped him from going into that time vortex! I should've been a better nephew! He's gone and-"
Sensing his rising levels of panic, I tugged him over to an empty barrack and shut the door. He was on the cusp of an attack, unable to regulate his breathing, eyes dilated. I pulled the hood from his face. His blonde locks, sweaty and messy, flopped down around his slightly red and exerted face.

"Lloyd," I began sternly, softly, placing my hands over his cheeks. "Lloyd, it's not your fault."
"It is- I should've been there for him-!"
"Did you tell Wu to do it?"
Lloyd paused. His breathing began to slow.
"Did you want the time twins to be released? Did you want them to fight Wu?"
"... no..."
"Lloyd, please, let me understand... how is this your fault?"
I stared at him, desperate for answers, desperate to help him. His gaze was flickering, staring at the space between us with a conflicted light.
But then Lloyd's eyes hardened. His face steeled. He wrapped his iron-like fingers around my wrists and lowered them from his face.

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