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haha its possession time again

"And I thought saving Ninjago was difficult," Garmadon chuckled, shaking his head as he stocked the shelves of Wu's new business; a tea shop called Steep Wisdom. I grinned at him as I gently slid a purple cylinder-shaped box of tea leaves into a shelf. I stepped down the ladder to grab more boxes to continue packing.
The ninja were gone on a mission, leaving the four of us - Garmadon, Misako and Wu and I - to continue stocking the shop. I didn't mind. The three adults made good conversation.
"Wu can't be a sensei forever," Misako reminded as she tried to set up the cash register. "It's about time we all help out with his retirement. He had been talking about owning a tea shop for years."
Wu decided at that moment to enter, holding a rather large bucket of water. He didn't look phased by the weight of the bucket, but Misako wasn't taking any chances.
"Speaking of which - Y/n?"
I eagerly obeyed, approaching Wu and grabbing for the bucket.
"Here, let me give you a hand with that!"
However, he just avoided my attempts at grabbing them with ease, making me stumble on my feet as he sidestepped me.
"I am old," Wu explained firmly, grinning at me with a glint in his eyes. "Not weak."

My cheeks flushed as I rightened myself, turning back to face the adults.
"Of course not!" I exclaimed, waving my hands. "I didn't mean-"
"Stop teasing her, brother," chortled Garmadon as he stepped down from his ladder. "Y/n gets enough jesting already."
"That reminds me," Misako sent me a look. Oh no. "How are you and Lloyd?"
I blushed bright red, making all three of them chuckle.
"Good, I presume," Garmadon commented as he picked up a few more boxes of tea leaves. "Especially with a blush like that. You could cook eggs on those cheeks of yours, Y/n."
This made my face only warmer as it grew even redder. I whined, hiding my face with my hands.
"It's alright," I mumbled, embarrassed beyond belief. "Well... actually great."
And it was. Lloyd and I were still confused about our relationship status, but other than that everything was a dream come true. He was so sweet, it was insane. I still couldn't wrap my head around the concept of people disliking Lloyd - his smile alone could light up Ninjago City for centuries.

Knowing that that was all they were going to get out of me, Garmadon stepped back and brushed his hands together.
"Well, Steep Wisdom is starting to look like a real tea house," Garmadon said.
"Except one thing," I added on, glancing around at the desolate shop save the four of us. "Customers."
Wu sent me a knowledgeable smile as he set the bucket of water of the counter.
"Good things come to those who wait."

As if on cue, the heavy flapping of dragon wings above the courtyard of Steep Wisdom appeared out of nowhere. Kai's boastful voice was the first of the ninja we heard - not that that was in any way surprising.
"I'm just saying, it was big, but I've seen bigger," he explained with a smug tone. He must of been talking about the mutant fang fish that they had been sent out that morning to help the local fishermen catch. Apparently it had been terrorising the local docks and making it impossible and dangerous to fish.
"As big as your ego?" Jay shot back playfully. Their dragons landed in the courtyard as the team jested one another. I crossed my arms and leant on the entrance to Steep Wisdom, watching Lloyd grin and laugh at his friends with a content smile.
"Oh, who am I kidding?" Wu asked a rhetorical question, putting a palm to his forehead before reaching out and grabbing a box. I glanced back at him as he passed me, approaching the rowdy bunch of teens. "I'm tired of waiting. I'll put the ninja to work."

"Hey, just remember that if it wasn't for me, that boat would've sunk under the weight of the fish," Nya commented sassily, making me grin. She leapt off of her dragon, making it explode into a fine, blue mist.
"Ninja," Wu called as he approached them with the box, stopping in the middle of the courtyard. "You need to find customers."
"No hello, how's it going, glad to hear you saved the day-" asked Jay with his usual cynical humour as he slid off of his dragon "- again?"
Cole leapt off of his dragon next, the beast disappearing with green mist.
"Yeah, sensei?" Cole claimed Wu's attention. "We're all a bit tired. Do you mind if we handle this tomorrow?"
"You all have a share if this business succeeds," Wu explained as he set the box down on the sandstone courtyard. "How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms? Which reminds me-" he opened this box. "Your new ones have arrived."

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