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Hot damn.
Summer was hectic as fuck.
I'd go over what I ended up being roped into on Lloyd's behalf, but I was more so concentrating on holding onto his torso for dear life while we flew over the sleeping city of Ninjago.
I had asked the blonde saviour multiple times where we were headed, but the wind swallowed my voice as soon as I opened my mouth. After a few more failed attempts, I gave up and opted to slump against his back and wait for whatever the sneaky-sneak had planned.
The only thing Lloyd had hinted to was back in his room when he said 'do you like How To Train Your Dragon?' in which I replied in a completely serious tone: "if I had to choose between having Toothless or you, I'd chose Toothless."
And then I profusely (and amusedly) apologised and kissed his cheeks many times while he sulked.

The erratic thumping of my adrenaline-intoxicated heart rang in my ears as wind whistled through my tossing hair. Lloyd, however bright and sunny, offered little warmth to the cold dusk of the incoming night. Stars sprinkled the sky from when they appeared from behind the duvet of clouds. The full moon shone like a ghostly white coin and slathered everything in a luminous, murky hue. The direction we were flying in, nor the sudden absent of streets down below gave me any clue as to what Lloyd had in mind.
I chose to then focus my attention on the body in front of me then, snuggling closer for warmth and digging my face into his neck, only to be thrown back when Lloyd's dragon suddenly changed direction and headed straight for the clouds.

My exclamation of surprise was thrown right back down my throat, but that was fine because the very next second, we burst through the clouds and... entered more clouds.
Lloyd pulled up, frowning foolishly as we hovered in a cold, foggy nothing. He looked around, disgruntled and perturbed.
"Aw, man," he slumped in disappointment. "That was meant to go way differently."
I blinked before it clicked and I began snickering. Of course he wanted to recreate Hiccup and Astrid's flight over Berk. Dork.
Unfortunately, it seemed that the clouds were particularly heavy that night, and didn't think to cooperate.
"Don't worry!" Lloyd said, craning his neck to send me a cheeky smile. "I've got something else planned, too. I guarantee this'll be the best-first date you've ever been on."
"It's been the only one, but continue."
"How do you feel about going to a planetarium?"
I gasped with a wide smile.

The planetarium was closed 'due to safety issues.'
Lloyd growled at the sign on the doors childishly and crossed his arms. I hovered beside him, unsure and amused.
"I can't believe this," he grumbled, glaring at the ground with steely eyes before slapping his palms to his face and groaning. "This is all going so wrong! Why can't I do anything right?!"
"Hey, hey, Blondie, it's okay," I giggled, prying his hands from his face and linking my fingers through his. "You're doing great."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are," I reassured. "It's all good, Garmadude, I'll take over. Come on."
Lloyd's frown only deepened as I released one hand and began tugging him down the darkened street. It was well and truly night, and it was well and truly chilly. Thankfully, we were both smart enough to bring thick sweaters (well, I was. Lloyd was going to go in a t-shirt... lovable idiot. Mainly idiot).

"Where are we going?" Lloyd whined as we raced down a bustling street, dodging our way through the crowds. I just sent him a smile and a shrug in return, making him moan in complaint.
I ducked into a convenience store with Lloyd trailing boredly behind me. He brightened at the sight of the packets of sweets, and proceeded to grab one of each until I told him off for it and made him put more than half of it back.
After slamming our haul onto the counter and paying for it, we swept back into the street. Lloyd, now a little happier at the promise of sugar rushes, contently allowed me to lead him up a fire escape to the top of a building.

"Here we are," I smiled and cracked open a can of soda. "The best place in all of Ninjago."
Lloyd glanced around the dirty building roof dubiously.
"... really?" he tilted his head, taking a seat beside me and thrusting his hand into a bag of candy. "Why's that?"
I grinned, nodding down at the ocean of jostling forms below.
"People watching," I answered, popping a jelly snake into my mouth. "You'll be surprised how much crazy stuff happens on this particular street."
Lloyd huffed, shaking his head and swinging his legs over the edge of the building. My heart jumped into my throat and I resisted the urge of pulling him away from the ledge. He looked so calm and content, but thoughtful, with a slouched back and his forearms on his thighs as he stared out at the glimmering lights of the city. The mullings of down below whispered in the breeze as I watched people walk, trip or obnoxiously laugh.
"I've seen my fair share of crazy," he murmured.
"You mean in general or just your brothers?" I said, nudging him with my elbow. He smiled softly, green eyes flicking to mine.
"My team is on a whole 'nother level of crazy," he commented amusedly, raising his eyebrows in mock exaggeration.
"Yeah, I know," I snickered, shifting my weight backwards and onto a hand. "Like family, though. Gotta love 'em."
Lloyd sighed through his nose and returned his gaze to the street.
"Exactly," he began to say, before cutting his own sentence short with a snort. "Look at that. He's crazy."

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