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"Do you think they'll be mad at me?" I whispered to Jay as Nya contacted Wu, Garmadon and Misako through the digital screen. Jay glanced at me.
"Yes. So very, very mad."
My shoulders sunk. Zane smacked the back of Jay's head, making him yelp.
"I was only joking!" defended Jay, rubbing the back of his head. He scowled at Zane. "Jeez."
Zane ignored Jay's glare and turned his blue eyes to me.
"Do not listen to Jay," Zane reassured. "I am sure they will be fine. It is not as if you were injured. We can keep you safe.
"Exactly..." I mumbled, still very unsure.

"Where is Y/n?" came Misako's voice from the speakers. Her tone was steeled. I flinched.
"H- here," I stepped out from behind Kai. Misako's gaze slid to me.
"What were you thinking?" she said, not angry, but disappointed. I think that's far, far worse. "You could've died! And what were you five thinking? You know better than to take Y/n with you!"
"It was Kai's idea!" Cole diverted the blame. Kai sent him a betrayed look.
"Dude," he accused, dryly.
"I don't care who's idea it was," Misako shook her head. Garmadon appeared in the background, a frown etched on his face. "I'm disappointed in every one of you."
Ouch. Guilt.
We mumbled our apologies as the airship slid underwater. Misako's eyes narrowed in scrutiny.
"Where are you?" she asked. "What happened? Why are you in Ronin's airship?"

With a dramatic huff, Jay began to recount our rather adventurous tale...

Being so deep under the surface of the ocean was... frankly terrifying. Even with R.E.X's large spotlight, everything was just murky blacks, blues and greys with the occasional darting squid or fish. I even saw a shark, which made me shiver.
Nya, though, looked like she was in her element - pun intended. She gazed out at the depths with a look of wonder and enchantment. Funnily enough, her brother looked like he was about to shit himself.

"We're almost to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master," Zane informed, making me inaudibly sigh with relief. Thank god. The sooner we got out of the water with Lloyd in tow, the better.
"Yeah," Cole said with a grin, despite him being surrounded by water. Nerves of steel... or rock. "I can't believe we're almost there after all we've been through."
Kai shivered as he watched a fish dart past the window.
"I can't believe I'm under water," he mumbled uncomfortably.
"You? What about me?" Cole asked, knocking on the window precariously. "Just how thick is this glass?"
Oh, god Cole, please don't do that you're making my anxiety levels maximise.

"We're heading to your location now," said Wu from the screen. The three elders were in the Bounty, en route to meet us at the Tomb. Or rather, above. "With Morro already ahead of you and able to foresee the traps protecting the Tomb with the Sword of Sanctuary, it's going to be up to you five to find the Realm Crystal before he does."
Garmadon spoke up from behind Wu.
"And I expect Y/n to stay in Ronin's airship."
"Okay," I replied, glancing warily out of the window.

Jay nervously laughed.
"Cole's a ghost, Kai can't swim, Y/n's grounded, we have no magical sword or elemental powers. Apart from Nya," he grinned weakly. "What could go wrong?"
Kai elbowed Jay. He yelped.
Misako returned to the screen, looking stressed.
"I may not know the three tests you're about to face," she said as she held up an old parchment before unraveling it. "But I discovered a riddle that makes reference to it that may help.
'A Spinjitzu Master can
a Spinjitzu Master cannot
to move forward, don't look ahead
to find his resting spot.'"

Ah. Riddles. Love 'em.

"Huh," Cole mumbled from the pilot seat. "That's food for thought."
There was a rumble from afar. I froze.
"Speaking of food," Jay gulped as he shakily pointed out at the depths, where a faint outline of a very very large octopus advanced. "We're about to be some!"
"Nya!" I grabbed her arm. "Use your powers!"
"I can't!" she replied with a frantic shake of her head. "If I so much as lose concentration, the water could crush us! We're too deep."
"We have to go faster!" cried Kai, turning to Cole. "Much faster!"
Cole was already pressing R.E.X forward, making the ship accelerate. I was thrown back by the force, hitting against the back window. It gave me a good, wide view of the speedily approaching octopus. Oh god.

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