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"Welcome home, you two," Misako commented as Lloyd and I burst into the living room through the connecting corridor, the living quarters being the closest from the forest. Exhilarated smiles were plastered over our faces as water dripped onto the tatami flooring. We were still on a high from playing in the rain after our kiss, kicking mud and drinking the drops. She didn't question why Lloyd was shirtless and why I was wearing it.
Misako's gaze drifted down to where Lloyd and I were comfortably holding each other's hand. A small, happy smile lifted her lips.
"Well?" Misako raised her eyebrows at her son, trying to hide her obvious glee. "Be a gentleman, Lloyd. Take her to the shower, I'm sure she's freezing. We don't want Y/n getting sick."

"Gentleman, I am being," Lloyd nodded eagerly before knocking out my knees and literally sweeping me off my feet. I squeaked in surprise at his sudden action while he laughed and began running down the hallway, as energetic as a bunny. I giggled at his childish behaviour (wait), wrapping my arms around his neck for support.
Lloyd ducked into his room and gently placed me to my feet before throwing open his cupboard and tugging out a low-and-behold, green hoody. I shook my head as I glanced past him. There was at least twenty of them, I swear.
"You know, you guys didn't actually really need me today, right?" I commented as Lloyd fluffed out the material. It took a lot of effort not to look at his toned arms. Or toned everything, oh my god.
Stop it, Y/n! He's a child.
Euuh, kind of. And it didn't stop him before, did it?
Ugh. I hate logic. It's so contradicting.

Lloyd shrugged.
"I have a feeling they planned it," he said suspiciously. I grinned.
"Yeah, because them gaping it back to the Monastery as soon as they got the puppy was totally normal."
He laughed before tilting his head to the side in a shrug.
"I wouldn't put it past them," he said. "They usually get up to stuff like that."
I smiled, wincing a little at the sting in my hands. Lloyd was busy slipping his arms through his hoody to notice.
"Where are they, anyway?" I asked curiously. "Did they just go to the closest vet?"

"Yeah. Nya texted me and said that she's left some clothes out for you, too," Lloyd explained, tugging the hoody on over his bare torso. "You can use her shampoo and stuff for your hair, as well."
I nodded, allowing a moderately calmer Lloyd to thread his fingers through mine gently and lead me out the door and to Nya's room, which had a pile of clothes waiting on the foot of her mattress. Lloyd grabbed them before guiding me to the bathroom and handing the clothes to me.
"Just shout if you need anything," he said before pecking the tip of my nose affectionately. My cheeks reddened. I nodded again.

Lloyd turned to go grab a shower in a different bathroom. He stopped before I could close the door and called my name. I glanced up.
"Y'know, my offer for a shower buddy still stands," he suggested with raised eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and grinning. My stomach tingled strangely.
"No, thanks," I replied as I slowly slid the bathroom door shut. "You'd just hog all the hot water."
Lloyd scoffed and went to argue against my point but I closed the door before he could utter a word. I was sure he could hear my laughs, though.

I placed the clothes on the sink and started peeling Lloyd's wet shirt off, wincing at my injuries. The stinging had gotten worse, probably from being mixed with dirt and rainwater. I hissed at the pain in my everywhere.
Even my stomach had scratches on it, I noted after tossing the soaked shirt to the ground. I sighed before turning the shower on and waiting for it to heat up. Somebody knocked on the door.
"Hey, it's just me again," Lloyd chirped through the wood, happier and more carefree than I had ever heard him be. "I forgot to get you a towel, sorry."
I opened the door a smidge and clucked my tongue disapprovingly as his gaze darted to my bare shoulder, barely peeking out.
"You sneaky bastard," I teased, making him pout. I giggled, grabbing the towel from him and shutting the door quickly.

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