ct - 3

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"Are you going home for mid-year break?"

I glanced up at Violet and smiled. I was in the middle of packing a small bag of my essentials for the two week holiday, a charger in one hand and a jacket in the other.
"I am!" I replied brightly, tilting my head to the side. My eyes opened as I stared curiously at her, taking in her usual mess of a half-dorm. I kicked a shirt of hers from my side of the floor towards her. She caught it easily with one hand, her other tucked under her head as she stared blandly at the ceiling. "Are you?"

"Nah," Violet replied sourly. "My family sucks."
Her nose twitched. I'd been around her long enough to know that a nose twitch was one of her tells. But nevertheless, Violet's an adult. She can make her own choices.
"Oh," I murmured awkwardly before shaking my head and brightening. Nothing could bring me down! I was going home! "Well, okay! I'll see you next semester then."
Violet waved a lazy hand in response, staring holes into the ceiling. I swung my bag's straps over my shoulder and quickly left our dorm.
I inhaled through my nose and exhaled happily, feeling a giddy smile curl up on the corners of my lips. Finally, after four months I'd be able to see Lloyd and the others.

After Naomi and Demitri visited, the search for Wu became top priority. I agreed with it, even though it meant that Lloyd would be too busy to ever visit. However, he was taking a day off so he could pick me up from Uni, which I was both grateful for (as first years weren't allowed cars) and relieved that Lloyd would finally get a break. He hadn't told me much, but if I knew him - and I do - he'd be overworking himself like something crazy trying to find Wu.
I hummed happily, unable to ignore the excited warmth in my stomach while I skipped to the entrance. It'd been four months. I'd felt like eternity. I couldn't wait to kiss his soft cheeks and hold him close again.

I took a seat on the sidewalk and soaked in the warm rays, too jittery to sit still. I gazed at the clouds while my knees bounced against the concrete. I checked my phone. Ten to ten. Lloyd and I agreed on ten, and he's never late.
So of course, he was late.
An old, black GMC ute pulled up and parked in front of me. I stared dubiously at the tinted window until it was pulled down to reveal a widely grinning Naomi and an equally ecstatic Cole.
"Check out our new ride!" Cole grinned smugly.
My gaze widened and I felt my chest bubble with joy. I leapt to my feet and launched at the door to hug Naomi through the window.
"Nomes!" I exclaimed, trying to ignore the heavy disappointment at the lack of Lloyd. "I've missed-!"
"Shh!" Cole hissed with a smile. He pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the back seat. "Lloyd's sleeping."

What disappointment? There's no disappointment! I felt my heart squeeze as I glanced over Naomi's shoulder and spotted Lloyd dozing in the back, cheek pressed against the window. A little drool was dribbling from his lip while he snored. I snorted, catching my snicker with my palm before I grabbed my bag and quietly leapt in the back.
"He did an all-nighter following up on a lead," Cole whispered as he pulled out from the curb. "He insisted that he was fine to pick you up-"
"He was swaying on his feet," Naomi interjected with a subtle eye-roll. I inhaled through my nose with a soft smile. Dummy.
"He wouldn't let us go without him, though," Cole finished with an amused grin. "He's been excited to see you for weeks."

My soft smile turned loving, turning my gaze to Lloyd just as a particularly loud snore ripped from his nose. It took everything in us all to keep from laughing.
"Was the lead any good?" I asked. The mood sombered.
"Nah," Cole shook his head and plastered on a large, fake grin. "But it's okay. We'll find him. We won't stop until we do."
Naomi sent him a sympathetic frown and interlaced her hand with his.
"You'll find him," she encouraged softly. "I know you will."
Cole returned her tiny smile with a genuine one of his own. He leant over to kiss her forward tenderly.

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