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Garmadon ushered me under deck, firmly telling me to stay. I did as he ordered (probably because even though he acted calm and collected, I could see the fear in his eyes and decided I would rather keep him as content as I could while his son was being possessed), promising to lock the door after he left.

As Garmadon strode out with his clenched fists trembling, I shut the door behind him and slid the lock into place. I rested my palm against the wood as I exhaled heavily, leaning my forehead on the wall. I wished to be up on deck, maybe actually making a difference, but I knew that would be impossible. I didn't know what I was doing, I had zero experience in battle and I would just get underfoot. Locking me away in a perceived area of space was probably the best option for everybody.

I clenched my eyes shut as the sounds of fighting - metal clanking, exclamations and the shooting of canons - began all at once, assaulting my ears. I swayed on my feet as the Bounty lurched from side to side.
Outside the door, I heard the frantic mumbling of Kai, Wu and Zane as they raced down the hallway. Just as I was about to unlock the door and ask if there was anything, anything, I could do to help, the Bounty suddenly tilted sideways.
I lost my footing, shrieking as I stumbled and painfully caught my arms on what seemed to be a chest of drawers and a bedpost before slamming the back of my head harshly against the opposite wall. I groaned, rubbing my injured cranium with a hand as I heaved from the unexpected turn of events.

"Our quarters aren't much further, go, Sensei!" Zane exclaimed from the other side of the wall. I began to scamper up towards the door, sliding on the wood and scraping my hands, giving myself splinters. "Kai and I will hold him back!"
I felt myself freeze. He was on the ship. Llo- Morro was on board, holding a great threat against us. I gulped as I realised I was suddenly exceptionally glad that I listened to Garmadon.

All I could hear was the sounds of fists against flesh, the striking of metal against metal or the wood of the walls, and the grunts of exertion from fighting. I swallowed thickly. That was Lloyd out there. Yes, possessed, but still Lloyd.
I dropped my head, squeezing my eyelids closed as the fighting continued.

The Bounty fell to the side again, dipping dramatically in the sky and making me audibly gasp in surprise as I slid down the floor once more. The wood burnt my knees as I fell, grunting against the pain as Kai and Lloyd began spitting at each other like riled cats.
"Your team will fall apart without its green leader!" Morro sneered.
"I'll lead them!" challenged Kai. "And make sure you go down if it's the last thing I do! Sensei says you won't give up - well, neither will I!"

Out of the blue, Morro crashed through the wall and fell onto the ground on the other side of the bed post. I watched in horror as he sat up, clutching his head, before catching my gaze. The Bounty lurched again, and Kai went tumbling down the hallway.
Before I could do anything, like run away screaming or break into tears, the bow of the Bounty's hull crashed against what felt to be the top of the mountain. I sharply inhaled at the rocking impact, unable to tear my gaze away from Morro's curious, black eyes.
It was Lloyd's voice. My eyes widened as his irises began to fade to their usual green, before he clutched his head and groaned in pain. I went to comfort him, but Morro bet me to it, making Lloyd stand as he set his careless, black gaze on me.

Suddenly the hull's stern smashed against rock, too, making me go flying as I was crushed against the wall. A large, gaping hole opened up just beside me, and to my complete horror, I slipped out from the force of the wind.
"Lloyd!" I shrieked in alarm as I barely managed to catch myself on the jagged edge of the hole. The wood bit into my hands, but it was either that or falling to my death. Lloyd didn't respond. Morro watched on.
My fingers began to slip. A cold dagger of panic stabbed my stomach.
"Lloyd, please!" I cried in fear as my grip got looser and looser with each millimetre my fingers lost. I was being whipped around in the freezing wind. "I know you can hear me! Fight him!"
Just as my fingers lost their hold, a hand grabbed onto my wrist harshly and dragged me inside.

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