ct - 6

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That afternoon, while Lloyd was off with the others learning about this 'masks of resurrection' business, I stayed back at the Monastery and helped the monks take stock of their groceries with Garm and Misako.

It was boring, but it felt good to help. Brownie points and all, y'know?

Naomi arrived in the middle of it and after a tight hug reunion, we both buckled down to continue helping.
When that was done, Naomi and I wondered the Monastery. Apparently she'd been there before, often staying the night and helping out with the bed-and-breakfast stay side of the Monastery that the monks ran. Of course, when she wasn't at the autorepair garage she was interning at.

"It's a bit annoying," she confessed amongst a sigh as we dawdled around in the dance studio, Cole's father's favourite place to train the ninja. "I just wish that they'd find Wu so they wouldn't have to keep taking these months-long missions. I miss Cole."
I groaned an exhale, hanging on one of the bars.
"I know what you mean."
"Anyway, have you heard anything about your parents?" Naomi asked, changing the subject. I shook my head.
"Nah, dad's finally gotten a break from the military and they're taking a hiking trip around Ninjago. They don't have reception most of the time, but they should be back soon."

"That's really nice that they finally get time together," Naomi murmured, stretching out on her stomach on one of the yoga mats with her chin on her arms.
I hummed in agreement, nodding, swinging around to sit cross-legged against the mirror wall.
"What do you think they're doing right now?" Naomi asked. I pouted to the side in thought.
"Jay's probably said something stupid and Nya's smacked the back of his head."
Naomi snorted. "Probably."
"They're infiltrating the villain's hideout right now and they'll win and return home."
Noami curled up like a cat. Her expression was slightly sour.
"Only to then disappear again in search of Wu."

My heart sunk. I couldn't deny that I shared her frustration. I get that Naomi and I weren't ninja and weren't cleared to go on missions or anything (Morro being the only exception), but it was so annoying being stuck back at home while the ninja went out for months on end.
"Maybe they'll let us join them?" I shrugged, as if nonchalant. "After all, eight eyes are better than six."
"Doubt it," scoffed Naomi. "Cole's more protective than a mother bear and Lloyd's so paranoid about villains and leading the team that he wouldn't even listen to us."
I hummed in thought. "What if we made a PowerPoint slide?"
"Y/n," she sent me a look.
"I know," defeated, I sighed. I plonked my chin onto my hand after sliding down the wall, onto the ground.

Breaking the silence, Naomi's phone began to ring. She answered while I busied myself with pulling funny faces in the mirror wall. I only acknowledged the call when she hung up and groaned.
"Who was it?" I asked, hanging my head backwards. Naomi was scowling, grabbing her jersey and shoving it on.
"Work," she grumbled unhappily. "Mark's sick and they need me to take up his shift. I'll see you later."
"Bye," I murmured, sending her a sympathetic smile before she began to miserably trudge out of the training wing part of the Monastery, towards her car.

And I was alone, again.


I had decided to spend the rest of the afternoon studying for my upcoming psychology exam. I found a nice little tranquil spot on the rim of the spiritual garden, curled up on the steps into the patio that ran alongside the wing. All I could hear were the birds in the trees, the scratching of pen on paper and the gentle trickle of a nearby stream.
With a surface dusted in cherry blossom petals and lily pads, a small pond sat next to me. Koi fish bobbed contently within, occasionally rising to the surface when my bare feet skimmed the water. A frog croaked once or twice. Kashu barked in the distance.

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