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"What the fuck?!"

I woke with a start, jumping violently as I was torn from slumber and tumbled over the side of the bed. My head crashed against my bookcase, making me yelp and hold my palm to my head.
I glanced up in confusion, wondering what the big fuss was. My eyes came to rest on my mother in the doorway, wide eyed and slack jawed. However, she wasn't looking at me.
Bafflement tenfold, I followed her gaze to see an alarmed Lloyd sitting up on my bed, shirtless, shocked and attempting to cover his chest with one of my pillows.
But that wasn't even the worst part. At the foot of my bed laid Lloyd's Green Ninja robe. Beside it was his sword. Mum's gaze darted from the robe, to Lloyd, to me and repeat.

"I- I can explain," I promised, stumbling to my feet and held my head as I swayed, a result of moving too fast.
"Really?" Mum asked incredulously, sending me a wide eyed stare. Her panicked gaze rested on Lloyd. "He's the Green Ninja!"
Lloyd and shared a sheepish look. Oh man, we fucked up.
"... maybe so," I replied hesitantly as I grimaced, wringing my hands in agitation.
"That's Lloyd?" she asked, pointing at the blonde on my bed.
"... yes."
"He's the Green Ninja!"
I blinked.
"W- We've been over this already."
Mum held her forehead as she tore her gaze from Lloyd, dropping it to burn holes in the ground.
"I need some vodka."
I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, hyperaware of Lloyd on my bed and shirtless. We would've slept cuddling all night, and although that's cute as fuck and I'd love to do it again, I didn't exactly prepare myself for the after effects; namely being caught by my mother who not only found out that Lloyd slept in my bed but also that he's the goddamn Green Ninja. Woohoo.
"That makes two of us," I replied sheepishly.

My mother caught my gaze and sent me a steeled glare. I felt my back tense as I cowered under her intense stare.
"You two get changed," she ordered, seemingly recovered at least a few of her senses. "Then we're all having a talk."
"Okay," I squeaked, ducking my head as she turned on her heel and marched out of my room. I stayed standing there for a few beats before I gripped onto my head and groaned. I turned to send Lloyd a wide-eyed glance, which he returned.

"Well, fuck," he breathed. I whined in agreement, collapsing onto my mattress beside him and covering my face with my hands.
"Why did we fall asleep," I mumbled. "Dammit, dammit, dammit."
Lloyd hummed in agreement as he placed my pillow aside and crawled down the the edge of my bed. I peeked through my fingers as he reached down to grab his robe. My face grew hot as he slipped it on, head facing down as he did it up. I bit my lip, shielding my view again as he grabbed his sword and leant it again the wall and out of the way.
"At least we don't have to worry about telling her that I'm the Green Ninja," Lloyd said as he looked on the bright side of things. Classic Lloyd.
"Yeah," I replied with a pitched, worried voice. "Now we only have to worry about her chewing us out about sleeping in the same bed. I mean, she hasn't even met you before today. Oh, god, she's going to be furious."

Lloyd grabbed my ankles and yanked me down the edge of the bed. I removed my hands from my face, sending him a quizzical look as he responded with a warm, crooked smile while he leant over me.
"Don't think like that," he said. "I've needed to meet your mother anyway, may as well be today."
I frowned.
"Sorry if I'm not all sunshines and rainbows, Mr. Positive," I replied snarkily, only resulting in making his grin grow. "I'm just a little worried about, y'know, dying."
Lloyd chuckled, shaking his head as he leant down and placed a quick kiss on my forehead.
"You're adorable. Come on, get dressed," he said as he stepped back, leaving me in breathless awe. "May as well get it over with, huh? Let's go, chop chop."

I blinked a couple times as I shook my head, sitting up and sending him a glare.
"You can't just do that and expect me to function normally right afterwards," I said with a deadpanned gaze. Lloyd tilted his head in mock confusion, stepping closer. I froze.
"You mean like... this?" he asked as he kissed my temple. My face heated up, making Lloyd smirk triumphantly. "Or this?" He pressed a kiss to my jaw. My breathing hitched, and he clearly heard. "Or this?" He placed his lips on my neck.

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