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one thing's for sure, the kiss certainly isn't as spicy as the rewrite sjvkjhv

also chapter seven has been fixed!

I was going to die. Great. Peachy. That's just fucking wonderful.
"You," he seethed, jerking the Sword dangerously close to me. I hit a boulder of ice, trapping me. I gnawed on my lip agitatedly. "Lloyd doesn't stop thinking of you. He doesn't give up because of you. But I wonder what happens if his inspiration is dead?"

Morro raised the Sword. In a split second decision I made the most stupidest, boldest moves I'd ever do.

I stepped towards him as the Sword was at its peak, grabbed his cheeks and pulled his head down into a kiss.
Then I kneed him in the balls.
"Sorry, Lloyd!" I squeaked as I leapt over Morro's groaning body as he knelt, clutching his crotch. I scrambled after the others, adrenaline pumping and heart thundering. Did I really just- holy shit, I did.

I bumped into a frantic looking Kai.
"Where are the others?" I cried.
"There you are! I don't know," he shook his head as he grabbed my forearm and began dragging me down the walkway of ice. "Where's Morro?"
"I kneed him in the balls," I proudly said. Kai snorted, although wincing in phantom pain.
I had to admit, Morro was correct. The ninja are loud. But that played to our advantage. We followed the sounds of grunts and exclamations, our pace setback from the slippery ice. We fell over and slid into walls more times than I could count.
"I thought you said you kneed him in the balls!" Kai cried as we rounded a corner and found Morro attacking the other four ninja with the Sword of Sanctuary. They defended themselves with icicles. Huh. Improvisation.

"I did!" I replied as I slipped over and landed heavily on my thigh. I winced that's gonna bruise. "Maybe he's just really good at dealing with pain!"
"I think you underestimate the amount of pain kneeing a guy in the balls is."
"I kneed him in the balls, Kai. What else do you want me to say?"
"And if you say something stupid, it'll be your balls kneed next."
Kai drew silent. I thrusted out a hand with a scowl. He grabbed it and helped me to my feet, the ice making it no easier.
"You're scary," he muttered. I huffed, flicking some hair out of my face.
"I'm pissed," I replied, glaring at Morro as he and Cole duelled. "You should probably do something to help them."
"Oh, yeah."

Kai glared at the battleground, glancing around to look for an advantage he could use. He grabbed my shoulder suddenly.
"Watch when they slice the icicles."
I sent him an odd look but did as asked. I turned my gaze to the fight and to my surprise, every time and icicle was sliced in half, two more would suddenly appear.
"Whoa," I mumbled in awe. "It's like a Lernaean Hydra!"
"A what?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you read myths?" I asked in disbelief. He shook his head. I sighed. "It's a snake in old Ninjagoan mythology that the First Spinjitzu Master killed by using swords and fire. It was from the Dark Island and had nine heads." I watched as Morro sliced another icicle. It was quickly replaced. Did they not notice? "With every head that was sliced off, another two emerged. The First Spinjitzu Master finally defeated the monster by burning the neck stubs after he sliced them off."

"Whoa," Kai breathed. "Lloyd's granddad was lit."
I frowned. "I don't think it actually happened. It's just a myth-"
"Shh," Kai said, placing a hand over my lips as he glared at Morro. "I'm formulating a plan."
"You're a dork," I tried to say from behind his palm - ew - but it came out more like 'yuth a douth.' Kai shh'd louder, making me hold up my palms in defence.

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