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The Preeminent towered above us like a tall, intimidating gross ball of hair. Like the kind you'd find in the shower drain. Except ghostly. And a transformer. Made of houses.
Of course, because it's a little bitch (actually it's a big bitch but that's besides the point), it flung a house towards us. It sailed towards us through the air with a resounding roar from the Preeminent, making me take in a strangled gasp and stumble back a few steps in a panic. The house made contact against the water with a huge splash, shyly missing the boat and sending the vessel surging forward. Ronin fell against the rail while I tried to regain my balance, adrenaline levels heightened.

A little boy latched his arms around Misako, missing his mother. He dug his young face into Misako's shirt as she reassuringly rubbed the boy's shoulder.
"It's okay," Misako soothed, though I could see the fear in her eyes. "The ninja will stop it."
Garmadon glanced from the little boy to me, sharing a scared look. We both knew the odds were unfavourable.
Ice encompassed the knee of the giant-Voltron-transformer, courtesy of Zane. However, it only stalled the Preeminent for a second. I felt my stomach grow heavy. It seemed to be unstoppable.

"The water will stop it," Ronin said, fumbling with the rim of his hat. I sent him a side glance, taking note in the worried expression of his face. True to his word, however, the Preeminent let out a growl as she stomped her robot-wooden-house-shack-like-foot in the water, unable to hold it under for long.
"Yes!" Wu cheered. "She's unable to follow us to sea!"
Karma bro. Karma could suck my metaphorical dick, because right at that moment, the Preeminent pushed past the pain like a true trooper and continued on towards us. Shit.
"... I was wrong," Ronin mumbled.
"Ya think?" I whimpered.
"I thought ghosts couldn't stand the water!" Garmadon exclaimed. He clutched for Misako's hand.
"How come it's still after us?" Lloyd's mother cried. The Preeminent stomped closer and closer, causing violent disturbances in the water. I grabbed at the metal rail as the boat heavily swayed. Ronin blanched.
"Have enough ghosts at your disposal, you can pretty much do anything," Wu said gravely. Oh. Peachy.
"Oh, god," Ronin struggled, resting his forehead on the bar. "I'm going to be sick."
"Projectile vomit in the water," I offered unhelpfully. "If we're lucky, the Preeminent is a germaphobe."
"Do you think vomit gets rid of ghosts?"

Ronin sent me an odd look.
"You're weird," he grumbled, before dry heaving at another sway. I shrugged as I side stepped out of his puke range - just in case.
"I'm sleep deprived," I corrected. "I haven't had a proper night's rest in like, over a week. The whole saying 'sleep is for the weak' is a big, fat lie. I'm exhausted."
"Throw anything we don't need off the ship!" Garmadon ordered, turning to the people as the Preeminent approached and returning my attention to the problem at hand. "We need to go faster!"
"Right, Ronin, over the side you go," I joked in a panic, jerking my thumb over my shoulder. I guessed I was taking on Jay's joke-at-the-moment-in-crisis trait, though Ronin wasn't amused. He smacked the back of my head in retaliation. I yelped.
We grabbed large wooden crates full of probably important junk and chucked them overboard, leaving a trail of stuff in our wake. I grimaced. Littering. Poor environment. I feel like I've sinned.

"This Captain is a joke," Ronin growled to me before swerving his way through the bustling crowd of panicking citizens. "He's probably not even steering."
"Wai- hold on, you can't just-" I tried, scurrying after him as I squeezed through groups of people. I turned the corner just as Ronin punched the Captain in the nose, knocking him unconscious. "Dude, what the fuck."
Ronin swivelled to send me a nonchalant glare. He turned to push down on the speed lever, grabbing the dark red wooden steering wheel.
"I'm a vigilante," he shrugged. "Your boyfriend's a ninja. We do things differently."
"Yeah, no kidding," I muttered as I gingerly stepped over the slumped body of the Captain. "And he's not my boyfriend."
"Oh, my god give it a rest," Ronin said in exasperation. "You two are worse than Percy and Annabeth."
I paused.
"You read Percy Jackson?"
"I'm a vigilante, not a monster," he grumbled. "Yeah, my daughter loves the series."
I stumbled. Whot.
"You have a daughter?!" I screeched, taken aback and thoroughly shocked. Ronin flinched at my whistling tone. "And you read Percy Jackson?!"

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