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Do you guys want to hang out at the skatepark today?

Can't sorry


Maybe next weekend


Not today


No sorry

Busy sorry

Can't. Got family over

Helping my parents this afternoon sorry!

Feeling sick

I swallowed back my disappointment. I was hoping at least one person would respond yes. Aaliyah was working her shift at a small cafe and Claire was busy. Naomi left it on read.
Something uneasy rolled in my stomach. As much as I adored my friends, I couldn't help but maybe consider the possibility that Naomi was telling the truth. She wasn't one to be malicious, no matter if it was a joke or not.
But who to trust? Naomi or the rest of my friends?
Nobody responded.
I've been neglecting my friends. Am I too late?
I sighed, dropping back onto my bed and holding my phone to my chest. As much as things got sorted out between Lloyd and I last night (not that there was really anything to sort out in the first place), everything was still a tad of the place. I felt overwhelmed.

I didn't want to ask Lloyd if he was busy (he most likely was, anyway, with all his ninja business). After that talk with Claire, I felt insecure around him, like I was bathing in on his personal life and forcing him to get me to stay. Not even his emotion-filled words could reassure me.
I groaned, rubbing my palms into my eyes and kicking my feet against the bed. I was frustrated with the lack of clarity that had suddenly consumed me. I didn't know anything anymore. I felt lost. I really would've loved to have met up with somebody so I could get my mind off of the fact that I was so confused that it was giving me a migraine.

Guess I'll just have to entertain myself.
I didn't really feel like going out for a walk myself. At least, not that early on a Sunday morning. Mum was off with her book club, leaving me to my own devices.
With a low groan, I pulled myself from my bed and stumbled to the kitchen. After grabbing something for breakfast, I stumbled into the living room and decided to divulge myself in the silly Sunday morning cartoons.

That didn't hold my attention for long, so I sat like a zombie, staring at the screen without really watching.
Ugh. Boredom.
I was that bored that I willingly made my way back to my bedroom to finish off any homework that I had. There wasn't much, only twenty minutes worth.

Ugh. Fine, I'll just go on that walk. It was eleven anyway.

I followed the familiar trodden path from my house to the cafe where I first saw Lloyd (it had become somewhat of a special place to me) and ordered a hot chocolate despite the heat. I ignored the odd look from the cashier as I paid before taking a seat at the booth Lloyd and I sat at when we first met up to exchange his hoody and my skateboard.
Wow. Easier days. That was before I even knew that he was the Green Ninja. It felt like a lifetime ago.

"So, I haven't seen you around," Lloyd began, in an attempt to start a conversation. "Are you new to Ninjago?"
I shook my head as I placed my mug back down onto its plate.
"No," I replied. "I used to go to Jamanakai Girls, it's just outside city limits."
Lloyd raised his eyebrows in interest as he drank some milkshake through the straw.
"Yeah, it's going to be my first year next year," I explained as I slid my index finger around the slick, ceramic rim of the mug. "My friends all went to Ninjago High, but my dad wanted me to go to Jamanakai Girls to get me to," I used air quotes to emphasise; "'focus on my studies rather than be distracted by boys.'"

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