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Lloyd Garmadon.


Lloyd Garmadon.


Lloyd Garmadon.


When I needed to think, I went to the rooftop. The cold air and the far-off sounds of the city soothed me. It was like a personal lullaby with the twinkling yellow, blue, orange lights of the city dancing in the expanse of the night sky. The stars above shared their beat. They danced to the same song.

With a loaded exhale, I closed my eyes. My mind was a confusing mess and I couldn't make sense of anything. Memories were confounding one another, shoving each other aside to get the verdict on my belief.
One must be the truth.

Was Lloyd Garmadon evil?

It just didn't make sense. Sure, I'd known him for, what, a week and a half at least, but still... he didn't seem evil. He seemed perfectly normal. Happy, yes. Maybe a hint of melancholy behind his green eyes, but sweet all the same.

No. He can't be evil. I refused to believe it.

Perhaps Claire did, but she could be wrong. From what I knew, not many people liked Lloyd because of his father - the evil Lord Garmadon - but you can't blame someone for another's misdoings if it's not their fault. That's just being judgemental and prejudice.

Besides, isn't Lord Garmadon good now? Yeah, he... may have tried to destroy the city a few times; but it's not as if he ever succeeded. The secret ninja force made sure of that.
So what's the problem? Aside from society just acting like a herd of sheep and following one another, that is. It's not as if Lloyd ever joined his father, right? It's not as if he ever ordered an attack?

I think...

Ugh. This is just- hard. It's hard to wrap my head around. I just wanted to sleep but my bed was too warm and the chill of the night air was too cold.
But I couldn't stay out here. It's time to go back inside.

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see the green ninja's dragon fast approaching.

"Move!" he cried, shouting as he wildly waved his arm. "Come on, move!"

I blinked, hesitating in shock, before glancing to the side when I heard a commotion. A small, spherical robot was charging towards me, a blinking red dot making my stomach drop with anxiety. There was no way I could move out of the way in time.

I curled in on myself, waiting for the impact, but a hand grabbed my arm instead. With a sharp, painful tug, the hand hoisted my body up onto the saddle of a dragon.

"What," I exclaimed over the pushing air.
It took a few beats for my brain to catch up. I glanced down at the robot, which was still hot on our heels - or, the dragon's heels.
"What is that thing?" I cried as I turned my gaze to the back of the Green Ninja's head.

"It's one of Borg's security drones," the ninja replied, shouting over the wind so his voice wouldn't get carried away. "Somebody hacked into their mainframes and are making them attack anybody out in the open."

A rumble from the flying drone alerted us that it was still on our trail.
"Why would anybody want to do that?" I asked, jerking my head in an attempt of flicking hair from my face.

"Because there's bad people who want to do bad things," the ninja replied, pulling up his dragon. Before I could ask him why we stopped, he ordered me to "hold on."

Of course I wouldn't disobey the ninja. If he wanted me to hold on, then dammit I'm going to hold on.
I fearlessly wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling myself tight against his back.

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