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So, what do you say?

About what?

About meeting my team?

Oh... sure!

I wish I had said no when Lloyd texted me.

Not because I didn't want to meet his team. No, it's not that. The problem is that I was terrified shitless. I was quaking in my boots (except that I was wearing jandals because hey - it's summer!).

Though could you blame me? Only a mere two nights ago, I found out that the guy I was beginning to have a crush on was the legendary Green Ninja, the saviour of Ninjago City and all that jazz. The guy who seemed to be inhuman, the guy who lead a team of six powerful individuals, each intune with elemental abilities. And they were all teenagers. It didn't seem plausible.

But alas, there they were. The group, rowdy and rambunctious, and leading the charge was, surprise, surprise, Lloyd himself. His five teammates were trailing after him, laughing and exclaiming amongst themselves while they walked down the street towards me.

I nervously clasped my hands in front of my torso as I watched them saunter freely without a care down the sidewalk. They were so confident and sure of themselves, an unfortunate complete opposite of me at that current moment. Except for Lloyd.

Curiously, he had his hands shoved into his hoody's pockets, shoulders slouched as he sent me a sheepish half-grin. He was a completely different person than he was two nights ago. He lost his almost-cocky aura, he lost his amused glare, he lost his carefree nature. He changed.

As if somebody flicked a switch in my brain, I realised that his sudden guarded personality wasn't actually so sudden. He had acted like that during our first two encounters. Only that night when he was the Green Ninja did he really open up and become comfortable around me.


He was comfortable being the Green Ninja. He was uncomfortable being Lloyd Garmadon. Probably because people hate Lloyd Garmadon for unjustified reasons, while everybody in Ninjago adored the Green Ninja. I couldn't blame him for slinking back into his protective shell when he went out in public as himself.

God. He had it hard, the poor boy. My heart reached out for him.

I returned his smile with a small, meek one of my own as I nervously shifted from foot to foot. The place where we decided to meet was at Skylor's Noodle House for lunch, which apparently sold the best noodles according to Lloyd and his team. I claimed that I'd never been, so I eagerly took the opportunity to go.

"Hey, Y/n," Lloyd greeted a little shyly, his hands turning to fists inside his hoody's pockets. His team had stopped a few metres back, sending us occasional glances.
"Heya, Lloyd," I smiled, blushing, before inwardly cringing at myself. Eugh. I glanced back at his team from over his shoulder. "Do- uh, do they know that I know?"

Lloyd nodded, turning his head to glance at his team. He caught the ginger-haired male's gaze, who shot him a quick thumbs up. Lloyd narrowed his eyes at him.
I tugged on the neckline of my singlet, not necessarily feeling hot but certainly feeling bothered. Why was I so anti-social, dammit?

"Do you wanna come meet them..?" Lloyd trailed off, unsure. I awkwardly nodded, so Lloyd grabbed my wrist (avoiding my hand) and lead me towards his team.


"So, this is Y/n, huh?" the brunette boy with amber eyes chimed in before Lloyd could introduce me. Brunette raised a hand to cover his stage whisper. "Lloyd can't concentrate on his training ever since he met you."

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