The Rich boy meet the Poor boy

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Hueningkai was now going home, He was thinking deep and walking slow. He had a boyfriend but they were break up yesterday. But His boyfriend couldn't stop following him around. Hueningkai stop in front of the road and still thought deeply he was annoyed with his ex but he tried to forget it.

Hueningkai was about to walk the streets but someone bump him with his bike. Hueningkai fell off with the guy and he couldn't get up.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The guy said letting his hand for him. Hueningkai grabs the guy's hand and stands up

"I'm Fine, Thanks"

He said with his shy voice. The guy looked at him and hueningkai was a bit shy to look at him. The guy grabbed his bike and ride it.

"It's good to hear that, Next time look your way okay? By the way, I'm Choi Soobin I studied in the other school near this yours. I know this school is for only rich people...Well see you again"-Soobin

Soobin pat hueningkai's shoulder and starts to padel his bike away from him. Hueningkai was now walking the streets and finding his car.
Hueningkai is a shy person and not even brave like the others do. hueningkai was always hugged his mother when he has a hard time. His mother doesn't know he's a 'Gay' he was scared maybe his mother would hate him and ignore him his mother leaves him alone and hueningkai doesn't know what to do if that happens. He drives his car on the way home and does not even think of his ex-boyfriend.

{Soobin side}

Soobin was now going upstairs to his apartment he have a friend with him and he was annoying hearing a strange 'Ahh'
When soobin open the door. His friend quickly stands up and grabs a towel.

"Hey! You should knock on the door first before you go in"

His friend Seoho said. Soobin sat on his bed and took off his shoes not talking something.

"Why did you come so late?"

Seoho said again but soobin didn't reply to him.

"Hey? Why are you not talking to me?"

Seoho replied being quite angry to soobin

"Seoho, Come here"

Seoho comes near to soobin and Zoho's head is now going near. Seoho taught that soobin was gonna tell something but soobin hit his head harder.

"Hey! I'm older than you...Why did you hit me that hard?"

"I dont care if you're older...I hate hearing your voice so loud. The other rooms thinking were bringing some girls in here and doing something bad...If you want to watch again please put some earphones on it and don't even yell that you're doing it to yourself"

Soobin said and stood up. took his towel to shower...

{Kai side}

Hueningkai is now home with his mother. He's now in his room making a project. Hueningkai's father died in a car accident and his two sisters are in America to visit their father.    Hueningkai was thinking of the guy named soobin.  his skin was smooth like a marshmallow and his hand's toff when someone called him.  He grabbed his phone and look who's calling and hueninhkai was shocked because his ex-boyfriend was calling. Hueningkai was thinking twice if he will answer or not.

In a few seconds, hueningkai just chooses not to answer and he continues his project. But his ex called again.  He rolled his eyes and just answer it.


"Hi, baby Hueningie~~"

"Don't call me Baby was done!"

"Ohh! Hueningie baby~~~I miss you"

"Well, I dont miss you...What do you want Ravn?"

"Oh~~My baby is mad again"

"If your gonna play with me. Im gonna finish this"

"Wait...Dont do that to me, baby, I just want you to know. Im now in a relationship with Yiren"

Ravn said.  Hueningkai was hurt saying those things from him. He loves Ravn so much and he gave all the Ravn wants but he just plays with him. Hueningkai wants to cry but he dont wants Ravn to see it.

"Hello? are you still there? Baby hueningie~~~Are you jealous? Are you hurt? Are you gonna cry? Hahaha.Sorry if I said this to you. I think it's fun playing with you bye"

Ravn dialed the call. Hueningkai slowly put down his phone and now he started to cry and feel that pain again...Ravn is the first guy Hieningkai loved but ended when he heard he is just playing with him...

Hueningkai yelled and wants to break the things in his room but it failed when someone knocked.

"Hueningkai?What's the matter? Why are you yelling? Open the door"

His mother said. Hueningkai whipped his tears and open the door and saw his mother being worried.

"What happened?"

"Its nothing...I-I just feel off"

"Are you okay? Is still hurt?"

"I'm okay mom.No worries"

"If it still hurt come to my room...I'm going to sleep now"

"Okay...Goodnight mom"

"Goodnight hueningkai"

His mom kiss him on the checks and left him in his room. Hueningkai closed the door and lock it again.'  I'm t okay mo m. It s   hurts me, Im sorry not to tell you this' Hueningkai said to his mind and he slowly sit on the floor and touch his head to the door looking in the window.

"Can someone love me as I do? Can someone don't gonna hurt me as Ravn do? Can someone take care of me as my mom do? Can someone not leave me as dad do? Can someone wait for me as they do.?"

Hueningkai said again to himself and start to cry again. Hueningkai hates his life being a mess and a lot of problems and he feels like he was on depression. He wanna die quickly but he dont want to leave his mother and sister alone. Hueningkai just cried again putting his head to his knees.

"I wish someone came into my life and loved me.
Till the death Do us part"

TILL DEATH DO US PART  >SooKai <Where stories live. Discover now