Chapter 11: Why do you feel so close to me?

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Hi guys! Thanks for 350+ reads! Here is chapter 11!

-Serena's POV-

Honey. That's what he used to call me. I can't help but giggle at the nickname. It is now 5:30 PM and I realize that I fell asleep because I was thinking of him too much. I wish I knew his name. He was always there for me, and I know he would help me in a situation like this. But he'd also probably be disappointed in how I've been acting and this makes me sad. Very sad. I feel guilty for skipping class now. I wonder how on earth I didn't care only last week. I guess I changed.

I know I need to break up with Calem at some point. When I think back to him, did I ever truly love him? The boy from summer camp was so much better to me. The problem is Calem won't let me off the hook easily. How do I break up with him easily? Then it hits me. There are rumors that Calem has been cheating on me! I know I probably shouldn't be excited about this, but I am. If I can prove that Calem has been cheating on me, or someone else can, then he has no choice but to break up with me! The problem is, I don't know who I can ask for help, and I have to act happy with him until then. I just hope no one hates me more then they already have. 

I don't know what I should have for dinner. Maybe I should go out with my friends, Dawn and May. But can I even call them my friends? After all they have done? I don't think I can. No one truly likes me around this school, not even my friends and the people who I have bullied, how could they forgive me? I guess I am dining alone today. I pop open my microwave and throw a tortilla with some cheese on it in there. I wait for a minute, then open it. I have never been a chef. I was too caught up in being rich, that I could always get what I wanted? But do I want that treatment now? I don't and I don't think I ever will.

The quesadilla is to say the least, disappointing. Just like my attitude these past weeks, months, even years. When I reflect back on it, I think the real changer for me is when I met Calem when I was 11. When I was 13, we started dating, and my attitude only got worse. I want to change. I want to restart, from 11 years old, if Calem was never there. But restarting is too easy of an option, and I know I have to fix things myself. But am I strong enough to do it alone? 

I take a bite into my sad-looking quesadilla and realize at that moment that I have a long way to go. Oh well, I better get started now. And I think back, I think back to one boy in particular. Ash Ketchum. He never did anything to me, and I hurt him. I hurt him badly. And the thing he said the other day. It scares me. It scares me so much. Just one sentence left me so worried for him. He said he wouldn't be alive without his Froakie. Just what has he gone through? 

I don't know why I care. I know I can't truly love anyone except for that boy from summer camp. I guess I care because Ash reminds me of him. From looks down to personality, Ash reminds me of him. Reminds me of him. Him. The boy I fell in love with. The boy I can never get over. I will always love that boy. Why does it feel like I am so close to him? Why does it feel like one of these coming days we will kiss for the first time and cuddle under the stars again? Why does my imagination taunt me like this so much? Why? 

-Ash's POV-

Why does Honey feel so close now? Why do I feel like our next picnic under a tree is not too far away? Why?

-End of Chapter 11-

Nothing much to say here, but this was one of my longest chapters. Both Ash and Serena feel close to the boy/girl from summer camp and are wondering why. Well, little do they know, they are very close to each other, and don't know it. Not yet at least. With that said, I hope to see you in chapter 12! 


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