Chapter 28: With a little help from my friends

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A/N: Chase has been on a roll this season already. Can't wait to see him win some more races in the future. Let me know what everyone thinks about the new characters and remember to keep voting for it in Kaylin's Contest. I can't believe this story has over 4K reads! 

//Julia's POV// 

After I left from Kate's office I walked into mine and began getting started on my work. I need to call Sarah and Christian, Abby and Dansby, and Cydney and Morgan. I can't wait to hear from all of them and see them in the next few days. Kate and I talked about different gifts that we could get for them doing this photoshoot for us; we decided on giving them a basket of different items and tickets to back to back races for the 2 weeks that NASCAR is here. When my friends arrive here in a few days we will have their gift baskets all ready for them. I decided to call Sarah and Christian first since they are already local in Charlotte, then I would call Cydney and Morgan because they lived in Nashville, lastly I would call Abby and Dansby since they are only 5 hours away in Atlanta. 

*** Phone Conversation with Sarah and Christian*** 

Julia: Hello McCaffrey family. I hope you two are sitting down for this..we here at Charlotte Motor Speedway want you both to model and be a spokesperson for us. It will be for both of the races that are going to be here for the next 2 weeks. What do you think? 

Sarah and Christian: Hey Julia. This sounds like so much fun. We would love to help you out and do some marketing for you/CMS. With this being the off-season for football we are up for anything. When do you need us there? 

Julia: Yay! I knew I could count on the two of you to help me out. The photoshoot will be in 2 days from now on Wednesday. We have 2 other celebrity couples coming to do the photoshoot also. It's our other friends Abby and Dansby Swanson and Cydney and Morgan Wallen. 

Sarah and Christian: Wednesday will be perfect for us. Oh yeah those two couples are super sweet. We've  met before through you of course. 

Julia: Great. I can't wait to see y'all in a few days. We even have a special surprise for each of you when you arrive here to the Speedway. 

Sarah and Christian: You are so sweet and always looking out for us. We can't wait to see you and everyone else soon. We know that you have other phone calls to make so we will let you go. Talk to you later and thank you so much! Bye! 

*** Phone Conversation ended*** 

Alright now I just have to talk to Abby/Dansby and Cydney/Morgan. 

***Phone Conversation with Cydney and Morgan ***

Julia: Hello Mr and Mrs Country music. 

Cydney and Morgan : Haha hey Julia. What's up? 

Julia: Well I have a fun opportunity for y'all and you get to enjoy some racing. We here at Charlotte Motor Speedway want y'all to be a model and spokesperson for us. It will be for both races that will be here at the track these next 2 weeks. What do you think? 

Cydney and Morgan: How about that. It sounds like a lot of fun. When do you need us to be there? 

Julia: The photoshoot will be in 2 days from now on Wednesday. I knew I could count on y'all to help me out. There are two other celebrity couples that are gonna be there also. It's Sarah and Christian McCaffrey, and Abby and Dansby Swanson our other friends.

Cydney and Morgan: They are so sweet. Can't wait to see everybody. I think that we are gonna drive up there to Charlotte so we can sight see. So don't worry about trying to book us anything. Thank you so much for the opportunity. 

Julia: I can't wait to see y'all soon. Okay good, Kate was asking me if y'all needed any transportation. We also have a special surprise for you when you get to the Speedway. Thank you for doing this. I'll talk to you later. Bye! 

***Phone Conversation ended*** 

2 couples down 1 to go. Now I talk to my Atlanta friends. 

***Phone Conversation with Abby and Dansby*** 

Julia: Hey my Atlanta friends. How's that random Georgia weather? 

Abby and Dansby: Hello our Georgia friend that has moved up to the Tarheel state. You know the weather here has a mind of its own. What's up? 

Julia: Oh yeah I know how that is. I was calling to say that I have a fun opportunity for the two of you. We here at Charlotte Motor Speedway would like for y'all to be a model and spokesperson for us. It will be for the race that will be here for the next 2 weeks at the track. 

Abby and Dansby: Of course we would love to help you out. It sounds like it would be so fun and exciting. When do we need to be there? 

Julia: I'm so excited that y'all are coming. I can't wait to see you soon. The photoshoot will be on Wednesday. There are 2 other celebrity couples that will be here also; it's Sarah and Christian McCaffrey, and Cydney and Morgan Wallen our other friends! 

Abby and Dansby: Yay. We can't wait to see everyone, our friend group will be all back together. They are all so sweet. We will leave from Atlanta sometime tomorrow since we aren't that far away from you. 

Julia: Sounds good to me. Kate was asking about how you will be traveling and if you needed transportation. We have  a special surprise for you when y'all arrive and get to the Speedway. Thank you for doing this. I'll y'all to you later. Bye! 

***Phone Conversation ended*** 

After I talked to all 3 couples I walked back into Kate's office to tell her that they are all coming and look forward to the photoshoot. She was so thrilled and went immediately to making phone calls on her own. She said that was all that I needed to do today, but I needed to come up with some material for tomorrow's Glass Case or Emotion podcast taping. I can't wait to talk to Chase later on and tell him who all is coming up here for the race. 

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