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                          The girl had forgotten all that she left and did, forgotten the blood of her foe stained upon her hands

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                          The girl had forgotten all that she left and did, forgotten the blood of her foe stained upon her hands. Stranded and casted away, she was now left looking merely dead as her long body stretched along the decaying pavement. Her head was blank, with no memories of anything...Well, all but one thing. She rummaged through her hazy, clouded brain and that one thing soon came into her lost mind.

Blake. Her name is Blake.

Her fingers lightly trailed against the dew of concrete and ivy, tracing the cracks and stumbling over the cold moss. She tried to piece her mind and body together, but it was difficult from the headache drilling into her head. Nothing seemed to register correctly. She felt drowsy and dizzy. Her eyelids fluttered open to be greeted by a sea of sparkling stars and waves of a swaying purply leaden sky.  Twilight was brewing above, coming in lightless and crisp. Blake's blood chilled when she noticed the tall stone walls surrounded her. Thick ivy clanged in a tangle of weeds among the hard stone.

Where was she? She sat up slowly, head spinning as she gawked at the weed-infested walls.

She searched around her for a moment, lip quivering. What was there other than ivy and walls? Her eyes bolted around, seeking some sort of answer. An understanding. But no matter how long she thought or searched she couldn't seem to find her memories, nor a solution. Her focus settled upon her boots.

It was strange. Too strange, actually. She could remember simple things like a dog or hamburger, but anything relating to herself morphed into black. Blake couldn't remember her mother's sweet smile, or her father's face that would have some resemblance to hers. Her memories were like butterflies slipping past her, always so close but too hard to catch.

She slowly stood up, her legs feeling heavy. Stumbling, her palm hit the wall for support.

"Hello?" Blake called, warily. Her voice seemed odd and different. She was empty and clueless, but she didn't want to wait around. Basic survival knowledge was that she was to need food and water. Her eyes flickered around once more and she found a small pouch attached to her waist. She unhooked the button, pushing her hand into the pouch. Her fingers brushed against a piece of paper, she used the slight gleam of moonlight to read it.

W.I.C.K.E.D is good.

Who was wicked? Did they put her here? Anger flashed across her face as she crumbled then threw the paper in frustration. She found a small hand watch and tiny flashlight inside the pouch. She stuck the hand watch back in and turned on the small flashlight. It didn't give her much light, but it was better than nothing. The light bounced off the wall as she watched the shine of dust filling the air.

Blake picked up a jogging pace as she took turn after turn and realized this was some Maze. A Maze that shifted with darkness and turned with eerie chills. Blake suddenly heard a weird sound, a low, haunting sound. A metallic hiss that ringed every few seconds, like chopping of knives against each other. It grew louder by the second, and then a series of haunting clicks joined in.

Click. Click. Click.

Blake was pinched with fear, as the sounds got closer and incredibly louder. It felt like the clicking was directly in her eardrum. Blake ran but her legs were still weak and heavy, causing her to almost trip multiple times.

Blake knew something was chasing her. And this thing wasn't planning to have a tea party.

Roaring engines and machinery hitting walls with chains hoisting, echoed off the walls like it would inside a cave. Blake tried to focus on her heavy breathing, but the sounds behind her were so death defining it seemed impossible. The groaning, the whirling, the clanging of rusty metal pounded in her ears.

Fear caused Blake to run faster.

She reached something that looked like two stone walls closed tightly together. A door, she thought.

The buzzing of the creature sounded farther away, and Blake took this as her chance to hide. Her eyes focused upon a large patch of ivy covering most of a stone wall. She turned off her flashlight and stuck it back into her pouch. She quickly grabbed a thick piece of vine, putting her whole body weight onto the vine to support her. It made a shredding elastic sound but it held. Blake heard some rustling sounds above her. She thought to maybe reconsider this hiding spot, but her body was too worn to run. Sweat slicked back her brown hair as she hoisted herself higher up.

The vines were oddly strong but Blake didn't care as long as she got to the top. Farther and farther she went until she saw something hanging. She almost fell out of sheer fear when she noticed it was a body. Her stomach twisted as the body hanged lifeless in the vines. What happened to them? Did those creatures put them there? Blake shook her head clearing her questions from her whirling confused mind.

She had to keep moving.

Robotic screams blared across the Maze, making Blake climb even faster. When she reached the height of the ivy she hung on for dear life, hoping the creature didn't find her.

She heard heavy breathing near her. She craned her head to see a silhouette of a figure. Blake let out a whimpered scream causing the figure to hush her. Although, dark she was able to make out the boy's appearance. He carried a normal look to him that seemed absent to her so far. His hair was a dark brown, thick and ruffled. Narrow eyes that were a bit lighter then his hair. Long bridged nose, small lips. He looked surprised to see her, but then pulled his focus on something to her left, she turned to find a red light.

A beetle-like creature with spindly legs poking around the ivy, lied a few inches from the boy and Blake. The creature's eyes were like a blistering suns of evil, which caused Blake to squint. The red light shined on the two of them casting a spell of blooded words.


Her mind traced the words to the paper in her pouch. W.I.C.K.E.D is good. If WICKED is good then why was a creature they made chasing her? The creature looked like a lizard, sliver cylinder with twelve long legs that poked out of its torso. Soon the creature disappeared into the ivy.

Blake turned to the boy. She could see his narrow dark eyes looking at her with a confusing.

"Who are you?" She whispered in a hiss. "What was that thing?"

Abruptly, the boy's eyes grew wide and bulgy. Blake turned to see what the boy was staring at...Every air in her lung seemed to spill into her gasp. This creature wasn't like the lizard. This was something else...Only one uncanny word came into Blake's head, one so haunting that she couldn't process how it came into her mind.

Griever. This creature is a Griever.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm sure you all have questions like Blake, but those will soon be answered if you keep reading on.

************************************I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm sure you all have questions like Blake, but those will soon be answered if you keep reading on

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