• Trial One: The Maze •
||𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑|| Blake was said to have tamed the vicious robotic creature, Seven. She was granted the nickname Griever Tamer. But was the creature ever really tamed? Or was it just a distraction, a way that WICK...
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Hawk was the first person she went to after she was dismissed from the Gathering. Blake knew he was terrified of the Grievers, and to ask him to fight them, well it wasn't going to be easy. She found him slouching near a tree, hitting nails into the bark. His normal joyful eyes were replaced with defeat.
Blake leaned against the tree next to him. "I'm gonna ask you something but you can't freak out, okay?"
Hawk gave her a questionable look but nodded. "Does this "something" involve Sleeping Beauty, Thomas?"
"No, but it does involve what he said."
"And? What did he say?"
Blake bit her lip. "He knows how we can escape, but you aren't gonna like how."
"Maybe I'll surprise you. I do that a lot, don't I?" Hawk smiled, but his eyes revealed the truth. He looked nervous...almost scared.
"We have to go through the Griever Hole. Fight off the Grievers," Blake said, blankly.
Hawk blinked a few times. "What?"
"We have—"
"No, I heard what you shucking said. But we can't. We can't fight them. We just can't. Obviously, Thomas is full of klunk. Probably drugged up on Grief Serum," he paused. "Gally was right about the Grievers taking one a night. He might be right when he said there is no way out."
"Gally was crazy—"
"Maybe, but he just wanted to do what he thought was best for the Gladers."
Blake took a deep breath, she didn't want to talk about Gally. "Hawk, I know you're scared. But this is our only way out. We don't have a chance if we sit here like big babies. At least out there, we have a chance. Come on, Hawk. You have to face your fears sometimes."
Hawk looked down at his hammer, tears filling his eyes. Blake could see now that under all his smiles and jokes, lied a boy. A boy who was just human. A boy who was scared. Blake felt the guilt, knowing his fear was of the creatures she had made.
"I don't think I can fight them, Blake," Hawk mumbled, his voice breaking. Tears were threatening to spill. "I don't know how to use a weapon or run. How am I supposed to beat a huge Griever?"
Blake reset her hand on the boy's shoulder. "It won't be just you. You'll have the others to help you. But If you stay here—you'll die. You have a chance out there, Hawk."