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Newt was like a brother to her, and to almost see him be taken by something she created. She felt so shaken and scared. "The Griever almost took you...It was my fault that almost happened. I couldn't control it. It wouldn't listen to me."

Newt stumbled up. "You didn't know Gally was gonna wack me in the bloody head. You didn't know that the Griever was gonna attack. So stop your blaming."

"But I made them," Blake shook her head. "I made the creatures who almost killed you. Who took Gally. Who could have hurt any of the Gladers. I'm the real monster, Newt!"

"Blake, you don't have one monstrous bloody bone in your body. You aren't a monster."

Before Newt could say another word, Hawk rushed through the door with a towel in hand. "Thank goodness you shanks are okay," Hawk said, walking towards them. "Here."

Newt grabbed the towel and put it on his head. "Where did Tommy run to?"

"Ran outside."

"And you didn't stop him?" Blake asked, rushing to her feet.

"Well, sorry," his voice filled with sarcasm. "I was too busy bring Newt here a towel."

Blake pushed her way passed Hawk and out of the Homestead. Newt followed her and they caught up to Thomas, who was staring out the threshold of the Maze. "Can you stop running off for one minute!"

"Minho followed it out there!" Thomas yelled once the two had caught up.

"Uh, what," Blake said, processing Minho's stupidity.

"I saw," Newt said, pulling the towel away to look at it; he groaned and put it back. "Shuck it, that hurts like a mother. Minho must've finally fried his last bit of brain cells-not to mention Gally. Always knew he was crazy."

"Well, Gally saved our lives. If he hadn't jumped onto the Griever—I would have," Blake said, earning herself a look from both boys.

"I'm going after him," Thomas said.

"Time to be a bloody hero again?"

Thomas stared at Newt with impulse, seeming offended by the remark. "You think I do things to impress you shanks? Please. All I care about is getting out of here."

"Yeah, well, you're a regular toughie. But right now we've got worse problems."

Blake turned her head towards Newt, searching his eyes for answers. "Which would be?"

Griever Tamer|| The Maze Runner¹/ MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now